All (470)
Personal Items (33)
Household Items (60)
Vehicles (34)
Furniture (32)
Electronics (45)
Tools (40)
Sporting Goods (34)
Cultural Items (31)
Collectibles (68)
Toys (32)
Jewelry (23)
Stationery (32)
Rural Things (23)
Antiques (67)
Natural Things (29)
Acorns | Action Figures |
Air Conditioners | Air Purifiers |
Amulets | Anklets |
Armor | Arrowheads |
Ashtrays | Automaton |
Baby Carriages | Backpacks |
Backsaws | Bags |
Balloons | Balls |
Bamboo Sticks | Bangles |
Bar Stools | Bars |
Baseball Bats & Cricket Bats | Baseball Caps |
Baskets | Bath Mats |
Batteries | Beads |
Bean Bags | Beauty Supplies |
Bedding | Beds |
Beehives | Bells |
Belt Buckles | Benches |
Beverages | Bicycles |
Bikes | Binder Clips |
Binders | Binoculars |
Birdhouses | Blankets & Comforters |
Board Games | Boats |
Bobsleds | Bolt Cutters |
Bookcases | Bookends |
Bookmarks | Books |
Bottle Caps | Bottle Openers |
Bottles | Bowls & Dishes |
Bracelets | Brochures |
Brooches | Brooms |
Buckets | Bullet Trains |
Bunk Beds | Buoys |
Buses | Buttons |
CD Players | CDs |
Cabinets | Cable Cars |
Calendars | Calligraphy |
Cameras | Candlesticks |
Canes | Canoes |
Caravans | Cards |
Carpenter's Squares | Cars |
Carts | Carvings |
Cash & Payment Cards | Cassette Tapes |
Ceramics | Chainsaws |
Chairs | Chalkboards |
Champagne Glasses | Chandeliers |
Charm Bracelets | Chess Sets |
Chest of Drawers & Dressers | Chests |
Chisels | Clamps |
Clipboards | Clocks |
Clotheslines | Clothing |
Coasters | Coat Racks |
Coffee Makers | Coffee Tables |
Coffeepots | Coin Banks |
Coins | Colored Pencils |
Combs & Hairbrushes | Comic Books |
Compasses | Coral Fragments |
Cords | Corkscrews |
Cosmetics | Costumes |
Cowboy Boots | Cowboy Hats |
Crayons | Cribs & Cradles |
Crowns | Crystals |
Cufflinks | Cutlery |
Cutting Boards | DVD Players |
Darts | Data Storage Devices |
Decanters | Decoys |
Desks | Desktop Computers |
Diamonds | Dining Tables |
Dinosaur Bones | Dividers |
Dollhouses | Dolls |
Doorbells | Doorstops |
Driftwood | Drills & Drill Bits |
Drones | Earrings |
Electric Bikes | Envelopes |
Erasers | Extension Cords |
Fans | Fashion Accessories |
Feathers | Ferries |
Figurines | Files |
Filing Cabinets | Fire Detectors |
Fire Extinguishers | Firewood |
Fishing Rods | Fishing Tackle |
Flags | Flashlights |
Flasks | Flint |
Flower Vases | Flowers |
Folders | Footwear |
Forklifts | Fossils |
Fridge Magnets | Furniture |
Futons | Games & Cards |
Gaming Consoles | Garden Shears |
Gems | Geodes |
Glasses & Mugs | Glasses & Sunglasses |
Gliders | Globes |
Gloves | Glue Sticks |
Goblets | Goggles |
Guitar Picks | Hacksaws |
Hailstones | Hairbands |
Hairpins | Hammers |
Hammocks | Hand Fans |
Handbags | Handsaws |
Hangers | Hard Hats |
Hats | Hay Bales |
Headphones & Earphones | Heaters |
Helicopters | Helmets |
Highlighters | Hoppers |
Horseshoes | Hoses |
Hot Air Balloons | Humidifiers & Dehumidifiers |
Icicles | Jet Aircraft |
Journals & Planners | Jump Rope |
Kettles | Key Chains |
Keyboards | Kimono |
Kitchen Cabinets | Kitchen Shears |
Kitchen Tables | Kites |
Ladders | Ladles |
Lamps | Lanterns |
Lapel Pins | Laptops |
Laundry Hampers | Lava Rocks |
Lawn Mowers | Leaves |
Letter Openers | Levels |
Lifejackets | Light Bulbs |
Lighters | Lights |
Lockets | Locks |
Logs | Loveseats |
Luggage | Magazines |
Mail | Mailboxes |
Mallets | Maps |
Marbles | Markers |
Masks | Match Books |
Matches | Mats |
Mechanical Pencils | Meteorites |
Microphones | Microscopes |
Mirrors | Model Trains |
Monitors | Monorails |
Mopeds | Motorcycles |
Music Boxes | Nails & Screws |
Necklaces | Nests |
Nets | Newspapers |
Nightstands | Nose Rings |
Notebooks | Notepads |
Nutcrackers | Office Chairs |
Paddles | Paint Palettes |
Paintings | Paper |
Paper Clips | Paperweights |
Pastels | Pebbles |
Pencil Cases | Pencil Sharpeners |
Pencils | Pendants |
Pens | Perfume Bottles |
Phonographs & Gramophones | Picture Frames |
Piggy Banks | Pillow Covers |
Pillows | Pine Needles |
Pinecones | Pins |
Pitchforks | Pizza Pans |
Plates | Pliers |
Plungers | Pocket Watches |
Pocketknives | Poles |
Postcards | Posters |
Pots & Pans | Pottery |
Printers & 3D Printers | Projectors |
Protractors | Pry Bars |
Pucks | Punch Bowls |
Puppets | Purses |
Puzzles | Quilts |
Racquets | Radios |
Rafts | Rain Barrels |
Raincoats | Rakes |
Recycling Boxes | Remote Controls |
Ribbons | Rickshaws |
Rings | Robots |
Rockets | Rocking Chairs |
Rocks | Ropes |
Rowboats | Rubber Bands |
Rugs | Rulers |
Saddles | Safes |
Sailboats | Sails |
Salt & Pepper Shakers | Satellites |
Scales | Scissors |
Scooters | Screwdrivers |
Sculptures | Seal Stamps |
Seashells | Security Cameras |
Sensors | Sewing Machines |
Sheets | Shelves |
Shelving | Ships |
Shovels | Shower Curtains |
Signs | Skateboards |
Skates | Sketchbooks |
Skis | Sledgehammers |
Sleds | Sleeping Bags |
Smart Speakers | Smartphones |
Smartwatches | Smoke Detectors |
Snacks | Snowflakes |
Snowmobiles | Snowshoes |
Sofas | Spaceships |
Spades | Spatulas |
Speakers | Spinning Tops |
Spittoons | Spoons |
Stamps | Staplers |
Statues | Steins |
Stencils | Stepladders |
Stereo Systems | Stickers |
Sticks | Stirrups |
Stools | Stoves |
Straw Hats | Streaming Devices |
Stuffed Animals | Submarines |
Suitcases | Surfboards |
Swimwear | TVs |
Tables | Tablets |
Tacks & Push Pins | Tape |
Tape Measures | Tapestries |
Tea Towels | Teapots |
Telescopes | Tents |
Thermometers | Thermostats |
Thimbles | Throw Pillows |
Tiaras | Tie Clips |
Ties | Timers |
Toasters | Tongs |
Toolboxes | Towels |
Tractors | Trading Cards |
Train Sets | Trains |
Trampolines | Trams |
Trash Cans | Tricycles |
Trowels | Trucks |
Trunks | Turntables & Record Players |
Tweezers | Twigs |
Typewriters | Umbrella Stands |
Umbrellas | Unicycles |
Uniforms | Utensils |
Vacuum Cleaners | Vases |
Video Game Cartridges | Vines |
Vinyl Records | Wagons |
Walkie-talkies | Wallets |
Wardrobes | Watches |
Water Bottles | Weather Instruments |
Weather Vanes | Welcome Mats |
Wetsuits | Wheelbarrows |
Whistles | Wifi Routers |
Wine Glasses | Wood Stoves |
Woodcrafts | Workbenches |
Wristbands | Yo-yos |
What is a Thing?
Thing is used to describe objects without being specific. This is most often applied to objects that can be moved and is less likely to be applied to large objects such as a house, mountain or planet.Definition of ThingA generalized entity or specific entity that can't be named.
We use the word thing to generalize. For example, if we say "blue things" this allows use to specify all objects that are blue in a general way. It is also common to call something a thing when you can't think of its name. For example, "where is that thing we use to change the channels on the TV."