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A landform is a natural physical feature of a planet. At the top level, this includes oceans and continents and goes all the way down to hills and other relatively small formations. Landforms note the shape of the land and do not include ecosystems such as forests or desserts. They also do not include anything man-made such as canals. The following are common types of landforms.
Archipelago | Atoll | Badlands | Basins | Bays | Beaches | Blowholes | Bluffs | Buttes | Calderas | Canyons | Capes | Caves / Sea Caves | Channels | Cliffs | Coasts / Shorelines | Continents | Coral Reefs | Coves | Dunes | Escarpments | Estuaries | Fjords | Glaciers | Gorges | Gulfs | Gullies | Hills | Impact Craters | Inlets | Islands | Islets | Lagoons | Lakes / Dry Lakes | Mid-ocean Ridges | Mounds | Mountain Pass | Mountains / Mountain Ranges | Ocean Basins | Oceanic Trenches | Oceans | Peninsulas | Plains | Plateaus | Ponds | Ravines | Ridges | Rivers | Sandbanks | Seas | Shoals | Springs | Straits | Summits | Swamps | Tide Pools | Valleys | Volcanoes | Waterfalls | Wetlands |
Badlands are areas that have been heavily eroded.A bluff is a rounded cliff that borders a shoreline. A butte is a tower of rock with steep sides and a flat top.A caldera is a collapsed volcano that has created a depression.A cape is a narrow highland that extends out into a body of water.A channel is a long, narrow body of water that is confined such that it is not a river.Coves are small sheltered bays.An escarpment is a long cliff or slope that separates two flat areas.An estuary is the tidal mouth of a large river.A fjord is a long, deep inlet that reaches far inland. A gorge is a narrow valley surrounded by a cliff or steep slope. Typically formed by a river.A gulf is a very large bay.A lagoon is a body of water thinly separated from a larger body of water.A shoal is a submerged ridge, bank or bar. These are often shallow enough to be a danger to ships.A swamp is essentially a permanently flooded forest with both trees and water.
This is the complete list of articles we have written about nature.
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Examples of natural things, processes and systems.
An a-z list of things that are found in nature.
An a-z list of things in the ocean.
A list of specific examples of nature vs nurture with references.
An overview of natural vs man-made things with examples.
An overview of common science topics.
An overview of the common types of engineering.
A list of common animals.
An overview of the common types of natural disaster.
A list of sciences.
An overview of the branches of geology.
A list of common academic disciplines.
A few differences between design and scientific thinking.
The definition of accuracy with examples.
Examples of measurement including common tools, measurements and units.
A list of hot things (temperature).
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