Slow things are processes, beings and phenomena that use large amounts of time to produce change. These are mostly things that are relatively slow as compared to the movement of humans. Slow things also include things that are perceived as slow such as a long boring meeting. English has many well known metaphors and similes for slowness such as "slow as a herd of turtles." The following are illustrative examples of slow things.
Being Stuck in Mud | Boring Classes | Bureaucracy | Candle Burning Out | Clouds | Crawling | Decay | Decomposition | Dirt (the colloquial saying "slower than dirt") | Dripping Tap | Erosion | Evaporation | Glaciers | Growing Hair | Growth of Plants / Animals | Herd of Turtles (the colloquial saying "slower than a herd of turtles") | | Koalas | Lines / Queues | Living Statues | Long Speeches | Mail | Manatees | Microorganisms | Mimes | Molasses (a thick sugary substance that pours slowly) | Nothingness | Phases of the Moon | Red Tape | Running Underwater | Sloths | Slow Drivers | Slow Lorises | Slow Motion Photography | Slow Service (e.g. restaurant) | Slow Walkers | Slugs | Snails | Starfish | Supermassive Black Holes | Tectonic Plates | The Hour Hand of a Clock | Things Floating in a Pond | Tortoises | Traffic Jams | Turtles | Waiting (as in "time is slow for those who wait") | Walking Uphill | Walking in Quicksand | Watching Grass Grow | Watching Paint Drying | Worms |
Two supermassive black holes in galaxy 0402+379 are inching towards each other at 1 micro-arcsecond per year. They are 23 light-years apart meaning they will likely never collide.
Time Examples
This is the complete list of articles we have written about time examples.
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The definition of time with examples.
A vocabulary for describing time.
An overview of time pressures with examples.
An overview of the physics of time.
The definition of the arrow of time with examples.
A definition of entropy with examples.
An overview of way of life with examples.
An overview of matter with examples.
A list of time management strengths.
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