Air quality | Archaeological sites and artifacts |
Architectural styles | Blue spaces such as rivers and lakes |
Building heights | Buildings |
Businesses | Climate |
Clothing and fashions | Coastline |
Communities | Community life |
Crime rate | Cultures |
Customs and rituals | Economy |
Ecosystems | Education and literacy |
Elevation | Environmental problems |
Farms | Festivals and celebrations |
Geological features | Government |
Green spaces such as forests | Heritage |
Historical buildings | Holidays |
Homes | Housing |
Indigenous culture | Industry |
Infrastructure | Institutions |
Landforms | Landscaping |
Languages | Leisure activities |
Local foods and cuisines | Local legends, folklore and myth |
Local media | Local music and dance |
Local resilience and sustainability | Local sports teams |
Markets | Museums |
Natural hazards | Natural heritage |
Natural resources | Natural wonders |
Noise levels | Norms and values |
Oral history | People |
Place names and their meanings | Political issues |
Political system | Population |
Private spaces | Public services |
Public space | Public transportation |
Quality of life | Recreation facilities |
Religions | Safety |
Schools | Security |
Sense of community | Sites of scenic beauty |
Social hierarchy and roles | Social infrastructure |
Social issues such as poverty | Streetscapes |
Tourism | Traditions |
Transportation | Vegetation |
Walkability | Water quality |
Waterways | Wildlife |