Ageing Populations | Air Quality |
Algorithmic Bias | Animal Rights |
Artificial Intelligence | Bullying |
Chemical Waste | Civility |
Climate Change | Corporate Accountability |
Cost of Education | Cost of Healthcare |
Cost of Living | Crime |
Criminal Justice Reform | Cronyism & Corruption |
Culture Change | Cybercrime |
Cybersecurity | Data Security |
Democratic Rights & Freedoms | Desertification |
Destruction of Ecosystems | Digital Literacy |
Disability Inclusion | Disaster Resilience |
Disease | Drought |
Drug Addiction | Economic Change |
Economic Rights & Freedoms | Education Reform |
Environmental Justice | Epidemics & Pandemics |
Equal Rights | Excesses of Capitalism |
Extinctions & Existential Risk | Financial Inclusion |
Financial Stability | Food Security |
Free Trade | Freedom of Movement |
Freedom of Religion | Freedom of Speech |
Freedom of the Press | Globalization |
Government Accountability | Government Services (e.g. Public Healthcare) |
Government Spending & Debt | Gun Control |
Homelessness | Human Rights |
Hunger & Nutrition | Identity Politics |
Indigenous Rights | Individual Sovereignty |
Inflation | Infrastructure |
Jobs & Development | Media Consumption & Habits |
Media Literacy | Migration & Citizenship |
Military Automation | Minimum Wage |
Misinformation | Monopolies |
Nanotechnology | Nature Conservation |
Nuclear Weapons | Obesity |
Ocean Conservation | Partisanship & Political Polarization |
Plastic Waste | Political Participation |
Political Rights & Freedoms | Political Stability |
Pollution | Poverty |
Privacy Rights | Public Security |
Racial Justice | Racism |
Refugees | Regulation of Industry |
Regulation of Technology | Rights of Children |
Sanitation | Scientific Ethics |
Social Change | Social Justice |
Social Security | Sovereignty |
Space Environment | Surveillance |
Sustainable Agriculture | Sustainable Energy |
Sustainable Transportation | Tax Avoidance |
Technological Change | Technology Ethics |
Tolerance & Inclusion | Trade Agreements |
Treatment of Minorities | Unemployment |
Urban Planning | War & Conflict |
Water Quality | Water Security |
Wealth Gap | Working Conditions |