Access to art and culture | Access to childcare services |
Access to communication tools | Access to education |
Access to healthcare | Access to information |
Access to justice | Access to media and ability to publish media |
Adequate and affordable housing | Animal rights |
Anti-corruption measures | Anti-discrimination laws |
Artistic freedoms | Biodiverse natural environment |
Care for the elderly | Child protection |
Child welfare | Children's rights |
Citizenship | Civic engagement |
Civility | Clean air and water |
Clean environment | Community engagement |
Consumer protection | Corruption-free government |
Crime prevention | Democratic rights |
Digital literacy | Disability rights |
Disaster management, rescue and relief | Early childhood education |
Economic diversification | Economic growth |
Elderly rights | Energy efficiency |
Entrepreneurship | Environmental justice |
Environmental protection | Equal opportunity |
Fair and effective immigration policy | Fair and effective land use policy |
Fair taxation and reasonable tax burdens | Family support |
Financial stability | Food security |
Freedom from slavery and servitude | Freedom of assembly |
Freedom of association | Freedom of belief |
Freedom of expression | Freedom of movement |
Freedom of speech | Freedom of the press |
Freedom to choose and pursue a profession | Freedom to start a business |
Gender equality | Health education |
High life expectancy | High life satisfaction |
Human rights | Inclusive societies that are supportive of diversity |
Indigenous rights | Industrialization |
Infrastructure | Intellectual property rights |
International cooperation | Internet access |
Job Opportunities | Justice |
Knowledge economy | LGBT rights |
Labor rights | Laws that are perceived as fair and effective |
Legal rights | Leisure time such as weekends and statutory holidays |
Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness | Literacy |
Low child mortality | Low poverty rates or no poverty |
Low unemployment | Market access |
Meaningful work | Mental health services |
Migrant rights | Minority rights |
Non-discrimination | Nutrition |
Occupational health and safety | Open and transparent government |
Opportunities to socialize and communicate | Peace |
Pensions and retirement programs and benefits | Personal safety |
Physical fitness | Plentiful electricity |
Policing and the rule of law | Political participation |
Political stability | Prevention of anti-competitive practices |
Prisoner’s rights | Privacy rights |
Protection from bullying | Public goods |
Public health | Public safety and security |
Public services | Public space and access to nature |
Public transportation | Quality of education |
Racial equality | Recreation facilities and programs |
Refugee rights | Religious freedom |
Religious tolerance | Responsible stewardship of resources and the environment |
Reuse and recycling programs | Right of self-determination |
Right to a fair trial | Right to human dignity |
Right to live a cultured life | Rural development |
Sanitation | Scientific research |
Sense of community | Service economy |
Social inclusion | Social security |
Social support | Social welfare |
Soft infrastructure | Sovereignty |
Sports | Stable prices and a lack of excessive inflation or deflation |
Standard of living | Sufficient clothing |
Support for addiction recovery | Sustainable agriculture |
Sustainable development -- economic growth doesn’t harm quality of life | Technology industries and other modern sectors of the economy |
Technology infrastructure | Transportation infrastructure |
Urban planning | Volunteerism |
Waste management | Wildlife and ecological conservation |
Work-life balance |