Addiction | Affordable housing |
Aging population | Air quality |
Bias & discrimination | Business closures |
Child protection | Childcare affordability & access |
City budgets & financial management | Civic engagement |
Community pride & identity | Community-police relations |
Corruption | Cost of living |
Counterterrorism | Crime |
Cultural preservation | Cybersecurity |
Deforestation | Deurbanization |
Digital divide | Disability rights & accessibility |
Disaster preparedness | Early childhood education |
Economic competitiveness | Economic decline |
Economic development | Economic problems |
Education access | Education quality |
Elderly care | Emergency services |
Fair & accessible local elections | Financial access such as credit and loans |
Food deserts | Food insecurity |
Gentrification | Green space |
Healthcare disparities | Healthcare quality |
Historical preservation | Homelessness |
Homeowner associations | Housing discrimination |
Human rights | Immigration & integration |
Land use conflicts | Language barriers |
Malnutrition | Mental health crisis response |
Mental health services | Neighborhood revitalization |
Neighborhood safety | Noise pollution |
Obesity | Overcrowding |
Overdevelopment | Overtourism |
Pedestrian & bicycle infrastructure | Pedestrian & cyclist safety |
Physical inactivity | Places to play |
Police accountability | Police funding |
Pollution | Poverty |
Privacy concerns related to surveillance | Property taxes |
Public health | Public restrooms |
Public space | Racial disparities |
Safety & security | School bullying |
Small business failures | Social cohesion in a diverse population |
Social isolation | Social services |
Special needs education | Sports & recreation facilities |
Substance abuse | Support for local business |
Teacher shortages | Traffic congestion |
Traffic safety | Transportation issues |
Underemployment | Unemployment |
Urban decline | Urban sprawl |
Voter turnout | Water quality |
Water scarcity | Youth programs & activities |
Youth unemployment |