Abilities | Assumptions |
Atmosphere | Authority structures |
Behaviors | Beliefs |
Biases | Budget |
Built environment | Chronology – sequences of events |
Class structures | Competition |
Constraints | Costs |
Culture | Customs |
Decisions that have been made | Demographics |
Distances | Economic situation |
Education levels | Emotions |
Environmental conditions | Events |
Expectations | Family structure |
Goals | Governments |
Habits | Health situation |
Identities | Income |
Information | Institutions |
Interests | Knowledge |
Language | Leadership |
Light conditions | Meanings |
Media | Motivations |
Nations | Natural environment |
Norms | Objectives |
Obstacles | Occupation |
Opinions | Organizations |
People | Perceptions |
Personalities | Perspective |
Places | Point of View |
Political climate | Political situation |
Problems | Processes |
Relationships | Religions |
Resources | Rules |
Sensation | Sense |
Sights | Skills |
Smell | Social Cues |
Social Status | Social situation |
Social structures | Sounds |
Speaking Style | Strategies |
Stress levels | Technologies |
Themes | Thought processes |
Time constraints | Time period |
Tools | Traditions |
Values | Way of life |
Wealth | Weather conditions |