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Database of Positive Things (150 Entries)

Positive things are actions, thoughts and experiences that are beneficial, enjoyable or rewarding such that they add to your life. These can include really humble steps forward all the way up to major accomplishments or seriously admirable behavior.
All (159)
Positive Acts (104)
Positive Experiences (43)
Positive Thoughts (12)
A good film or streaming series.
A single moment of wonder makes a day worthwhile.
Amusing things pets do.
Apologizing for a wrong.
Appreciating the little things in life.
Being calm and cool under pressure.
Being dependable.
Being fully present with people.
Being happy for someone.
Being honest with yourself.
Being in love.
Being patient with others.
Being playful and spontaneous.
Being polite to others.
Being sad when something is sad.
Being spontaneous.
Being understanding and nonjudgmental.
Bouncing back from disappointment.
Carefully considering your words.
Clearing issues.
Competing tasks.
Completing uninteresting tasks to get them done.
Concerts and other musical experiences.
Controlling a negative urge.
Cooking a meal.
Creating value with your efforts.
Creative problem solving.
Cultivating new interests.
Deep emotional experiences or thoughts.
Demonstrating grace in defeat.
Demonstrating grit in a difficult situation.
Discovering a valuable new idea.
Discovering new strengths in others.
Discovering new strengths in yourself.
Doing admirable or virtuous things.
Doing good.
Doing humble tasks well.
Doing something creative.
Doing the right thing over the easy thing.
Donating something.
Eating well.
Effort pays off eventually.
Exercising your imagination.
Experiencing deep connections to others.
Facing a fear.
Family time.
Finding thoughtful gifts.
Focusing on a task with discipline.
Forgiving someone.
Fresh air.
Getting a promotion at work.
Giving sincere compliments.
Giving up a seat to someone who needs it more.
Going for a walk.
Going out for dinner.
Going to bed on time.
Good weather.
Hard times make the good times more sweet.
Helping your children with homework.
Improving a talent.
Improving at a second language.
Improving your habits or routine.
Interesting conversations.
Interesting weather such as storms.
It's okay to ask for help.
Keeping in touch with relatives.
Learning from a failure or mistake.
Listening to music.
Loaning a good book.
Maintaining composure under stress.
Maintaining your house and property.
Making a reasonable decision.
Making sacrifices for your team.
Meeting a commitment.
Moments of freedom.
Moments of friendship.
Moments of wonder.
Moving away from negative or repetitive thoughts.
Natural beauty such as sunsets.
Neighborly acts.
Nightlife experiences.
Not allowing setbacks to derail your efforts.
Noticing how you've become stronger.
Noticing how your kids have improved at something.
Noticing people's strengths.
Nurturing others.
Overcoming a bad habit.
Overcoming a bad mood.
Overcoming a negative train of thought.
Parking distractions to focus.
Playing with your kids.
Pleasant dreams.
Positivity attracts positivity.
Practicing a musical instrument.
Professional recognition.
Really listening to others.
Reassessing a negative situation.
Receiving a sincere compliment.
Recognizing a failure and accepting it.
Recognizing an opportunity and taking it.
Reconnecting with an old friend.
Recovering from a mistake.
Researching a topic.
Resolving a conflict.
Responding to important messages.
Reusing something.
Selfless acts.
Selling something so that it's reused.
Sharing things.
Showing your appreciation of someone.
Sidelining an intrusive thought.
Sidelining negativity.
Small adventures.
Small sacrifices for others.
Social meals.
Socializing at work.
Solving a difficult homework problem.
Solving a life problem.
Sports experiences.
Starting a family tradition.
Striking up a conversation with someone.
Studying hard.
Supporting someone.
Taking care in driving.
Taking on an important task at work.
Taking reasonable risks.
Taking the first step on a big project.
Taking time to celebrate.
Taking time to read.
Taking time to reflect.
Taking your time to do a good job.
Teaching someone.
Team comradery.
The affection of a pet.
The chaos of youthfulness.
The future is still open.
The gentle sadness of nostalgia.
The idea that change creates opportunity.
The orderly ways that come with experience.
The thrill of a challenge.
The thrill of adventure.
There are still endless possibilities.
Time heals all.
Time in nature.
Time with friends.
Today is the first day of the rest of your life.
Training in a sport.
Transitioning away from a negative emotion.
Travel experiences.
Trying a new food.
Trying and failing.
Trying and succeeding.
Walking your dog.
Working late to finish a task.
You are constantly improving.
You are surrounded by love.

Direction is Everything

The positive things that you can do greatly depend on your current strengths, talents and life situation. If you have loads of bad habits and aren't making much progress in life then very basic steps forward such as maintaining a consistent sleep schedule or something can be meaningful.
If you feel overwhelmed by the things you think that you should be doing in life, just make progress each day. The important thing isn't that you solve all problems today it's that you get things moving in the right direction consistently.
There will be setbacks and disappointments but these are simply greater opportunities to demonstrate that you can continue in the right direction even if it's three steps forward, two steps back.

Positivity Can Go Too Far

Negative things can be overall positive and positive things can be overall negative. For example, a gentle sadness about the past once in a while could be a positive thing. It's certainly not positive to dwell in the past. However, it's also not positive to completely shut off all contemplation of the past or all sad feelings.
Likewise, being positive to the point that you refuse to look at yourself in a realistic light isn't likely to produce positive results in the real world. It's okay to have faults and it's wonderful to accept your faults and be positive about yourself. However, faults are still faults and it is only reasonable to try to improve with time.
What is positive and what is negative can be determined with pragmatic thinking whereby you look at the impact of each action and thought in the real world. For example, sadness that adds to the emotional depth of your life is positive. Sadness that is derailing all your efforts isn't so positive.

The Simple Things

The simple things in life are another category of positive things. These are things that are compelling and good but aren't difficult to obtain such that they are more or less freely available. For example, a sunset or a conversation with a friend. Other positive things such as strong relationships, wealth and a fulfilling career are hard to obtain such that people tend to focus much of their energy in these directions. Ironically, this often means that these simple things that are easily obtained go ignored or unappreciated.
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