Chaos | Culture shifts |
Cyclical change such as changing seasons | Decline |
Demographic change | Development |
Disruptions | Economic change |
Emergence – unplanned and uncoordinated change that may nonetheless be organized | Entropy – movement from order to disorder |
Environmental damage | Evolution |
External change – such as competition | Failures |
Growth | Improvement |
Incremental change | Industry change |
Instantaneous change | Institutional change |
Internal change – such as your processes | Invention |
Lifestyle change | Mistakes, accidents and errors |
Paradigm shifts – shifts in thinking | Personal change |
Physical change | Policy change |
Political change | Power shifts |
Process change | Progress – positive sustained changes |
Rebirth | Regressive change – going backwards |
Reinvention | Renewal |
Reorganization | Restoration |
Retrenchment | Revolutions |
Scientific discoveries | Social change |
Social movements | Structural change and restructuring |
System change and systemic change | Technological advancements |
Transitions | Trends |
Unintended consequences | War and conflict |