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30 Examples of Sensory Experience

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Sensory experience is the human perception of stimuli and information received through the body, particularly the sensory organs such as the eyes, ears, nose, tongue and skin. Humans can sense external things such as sunlight and internal things such as sleepiness. We can also sense general states such as the passage of time. With the exception of internal thought processes, everything that humans experience is a sensory experience. The following are common examples.


The visual look and feel of things. People tend to be highly visual and will quickly judge things based on visual aesthetics.


Sense of hearing such as experiencing silence, music or the lively chatter of a busy restaurant.


Smell experiences such as a new plastic product that has a chemical smell when you open it.


Sense of taste such as the flavor of food at a restaurant.


Sense of touch such as how a flower feels in your hand.


Sense of temperature such as a hotel room that is too hot.


Sense of pain such as ice skates that are causing blisters on your feet.


Sense of position and movement of your body.


Sense of balance such as balancing yourself on a snowboard.


Internal sensations such as hunger, thirst and heartbeat.

Itch Sense

Sensing irritation of the skin that elicits an urge to scratch.

Tickle Sense

Light touches that induce a strange urge to laugh.

Stretch Sense

The ability to feel the stretching of your muscles and tissues of the body.


The sense of time passing such as a customer who feels their day is wasted as they struggle with the automated support chat of a major ecommerce site.


Sense of motion relative to forces such as acceleration and gravity. For example, feeling the acceleration as you drive a sports car.


Sensing changes in atmospheric pressure such as pain in your ears due to altitude changes.

Pressure Sense

Sensing pressure on the body such as diving deep in a pool.


Sensing moisture levels in your environment.


Detecting chemical signals. In humans, this typically works with a combination of smell and taste.

Aesthetic Sense

The human ability to perceive things as beautiful or otherwise appealing to the senses.

Vibration Sensation

The ability to sense vibrations such as the haptic feedback of a game controller.

Hum Sensation

The ability to sense minor vibrations in your environment.

Mental Visualization

The ability to visualize things from the imagination or from memory.

Texture Detection

The ability to characterize the texture of things such as smooth or rough.

Weight Perception

The ability to approximate the weight of something by holding it or interacting with it.

Floating Sensation

Being able to sense that the body is weightless or buoyant in water.

Echo Sensation

The ability to detect that sound is the result of reflected sound waves.

Infrared Sensation

Sensing infrared radiation such as sunlight as heat.

Color Temperature

Sensing that things are hot or cold based on their color. This is mostly inaccurate but appears to be a common human perception nonetheless. For example, red things are generally perceived as warm and blue as cold.


Intuition is implicit understanding that is not based on any conscious thought process. This is often described as a sense. For example, the sense that a situation is dangerous.


Humans experience the world and our own internal state using the senses. The senses can work together and are interpreted with cognitive processes. In many cases, the senses aren't fully understood. For example, there are multiple hypotheses for how intuition works but there is currently no generally accepted theory that explains it.


Humans certainly have more than five senses but the exact number is debatable. Some counts go as high as 54 senses. Humans do have five primary sensory organs known as the eyes, ears, nose, tongue and skin. However, other parts of the body also sense things. For example, the vestibular system in the inner ear that senses balance, spatial orientation and movement.

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