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A silent goal is the practice of keeping a goal to yourself in order to improve your motivation.Several sociological experiments, including the work of Peter Gollwitzer, have indicated that people get a sense of fulfillment from telling people about their goals that makes them less likely to actually achieve the goal.
Conventional wisdom suggests that you should tell people your goals so that they can hold you to them. However, the act of expressing your goals tends to make you feel satisfied and less motivated to actually achieve it.Waiting until people notice on their own that you have achieved something is a painful process that tends to push you.|
Type | | Definition | The practice of keeping a goal to yourself until people notice on their own that you have achieved it. | Value | A means of improving your motivation. | Examples | Exercising and maintaining a healthy diet without first exclaiming to the world that you intend to loss weight. By the time that people notice on their own you have likely made significant progress. | Related Concepts | |
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