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Winter colors are colors associated with the nature, customs, pastimes and symbols of the winter season. Generally speaking, these are cool, crisp colors commonly found in winter landscapes of ice, snow, evergreens and cold skies. Winter colors also include bright colors based on brave flowering plants that bloom in winter such as holly and Japanese ume. The following are common named colors inspired by winter.
Alpine Green #005f56 Aurora Green #0aff02 Evergreen #11574a Cold Current #234272 Cold Steel #262335 Antarctic Blue #2b3f5c Pine #2b5d34 Winter Sea #303e55 Arctic Night #345c61 Antarctic Deep #35383f Mountain Pine #3b5257 Black Ice #4d5051 Holly Green #68846a Blue Ice #70789b Ancient Ice #73fdff Green Ice #87d8c3 Ume #8f4155 Cold Grey #9f9f9f Night Snow #aaccff Holly Red #b01b2e Winter Meadow #b7fffa Aurora Red #b93a32 Winter Dusk #bb603c Ruby #ca0147 Winter Sunset #ca6636 Dirty Snow #cdced5 Bonfire #ce4e35 Topaz #d08344 December Rain #d6dddc Ice #d6fffa Midwinter Fire #dd1100 Alpine Moon #ded3e6 Aurora Pink #e881a6 Winter Sky #ee82ee Winter Jasmine #eee8aa Snowdrop #eeffcc Snowflake #eff0f0 Winter Cloud #f5efe8 Fresh Snow #f6efe1 Snow #fffafa
NotesWinter is also heavily associated with Christmas colors, particularly red and green. The origin of these Christmas colors can be traced back to the use of holly as a Christmas decoration. Before that, holly was used to celebrate the winter solstice by ancient Celtic peoples.
Color Palettes
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ReferencesBarth, Edna. Holly, reindeer, and colored lights: the story of the Christmas symbols. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2000.Matthews, John. The Winter Solstice: The Sacred Traditions of Christmas. Quest Books, 2003.
An overview of natural color with a palette.
A palette of autumn colors.
An overview of space related colors with a palette.
An overview of Spring colors with a palette.
An overview of jade color with a palette.
An overview of the pine green with a palette.
An overview of the color ivy green with a palette.
A palette of the common shades of green with hex codes.
An overview of common calm colors with a palette.
A large collection of color palettes.
A palette of blue color combinations.
An overview of how to combine colors with example palettes.
The definition of medium color with an example palette.
A list of colors that were available and popular in the Victorian era.
An overview of wheat color with a palette.
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