Bottle green is a dark green based on the color of 19th century glass bottles. Historically, green bottles and other colored bottles such as brown and cobalt blue were cheaper to make than clear glass bottles. They also provided some benefit in shielding the contents of bottles from light. In some cases, green bottles were made from quartz that contained minerals such that they were naturally green. Bottle green is considered a classic color that is particularly associated with the Victorian era. It was used as a color name as early as 1816. The following is a palette of bottle green with a few similar colors.
Winebottle Green
Bottle Green
Bottle Green #3
True Forest Green
Vintage Bottle Green
Bottle Green #2
Old Bottle Green
Dark Bottle Green
Ginger Ale Bottle
Olive Bottle Green
Plastic Bottle Green
Faded Bottle Green
Bright Bottle Green
Pastel Bottle Green
Visually, bottle green is similar to other well known dark greens, particularly forest green.