Industrial colors are colors based on industrial landscapes such as factories, infrastructure and stark urban areas. These colors are based on the materials commonly used in such environments such as metals and concrete. Industrial colors also include the extremely bright colors that are used to signal danger in industrial environments. The last category of industrial color is based on culture partially inspired by the starkness of industrial environments such as the gothic subculture. The following are common named colors that can be considered industrial.
Cadmium Green #006b3c Lead #212121 Industrial Purple #2a0134 Gold Black #2a2424 Industrial Green #35fa00 Old Copper #38887f Gunship Grey #3f4952 Poison Green #40fd14 Gothic Grape #473951 Charcoal Smoke #474f43 Pig Iron #484848 Iron #5e5e5e Brushed Nickel #73706f Poison Purple #7f01fe Titanium #807d7f Smog #8c9fa0 Tin #919191 Pewter #91a092 Concrete #2 #999988 Aluminum #9f9586 Brick #a03623 Chrome Aluminum #a8a9ad Smoke Green #a8bba2 Brass #b5a642 Silver #c0c0c0 Flat Aluminum #c3c6cd Copper #cb6d51 Concrete #1 #d2d1cd Concrete #3 #d9d0c1 Chrome #dcdfe5 Furnace #dd4124 Platinum #e5e4e2 Safety Yellow #eed202 Titanium Yellow #eee600 Robot Gold #eeee11 Danger #ff0e0e Safety Orange #ff6600 Chrome Yellow #ffa700 Gold #ffd700 Cadmium Yellow #fff600
Color Palettes
This is the complete list of articles we have written about color palettes.
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A large palette of named dark colors.
An overview of dark brown with a color palette.
An overview of dark blue with a palette of named dark blue colors.
An overview of the color black with a large black palette.
An overview of the color navy.
An overview of the color maroon with a palette.
A color palette of blue shades.
A list of black color combinations.
An overview of dark pink with a color palette.
A large collection of color palettes.
A palette of blue color combinations.
An overview of how to combine colors with example palettes.
The definition of medium color with an example palette.
A list of colors that were available and popular in the Victorian era.
An overview of wheat color with a palette.
An overview of natural color with a palette.
An overview of winter colors with a palette.
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