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64 Examples of Marketing Strategy

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Marketing is the end-to-end process of selling. This can include business development, product development, branding, promotion, place, pricing, distribution and sales. Marketing brings a brand from concept to the customer and can include management of the entire customer experience. This being said, many marketers are heavily focused on promotion. The following are examples of common marketing strategies.
Alliance Marketing
Joint marketing ventures with other firms.
Authentic Marketing
Building products that you really believe in.
Bliss Point
Providing just the right amount of a product or service that leaves customers wanting more.
Brand Extension
Using a successful brand for new product lines.
Brand Marketing
Establishing an identity for products that customers recognize.
Brand Recognition
Customers buy what they recognize such that advertising and promotion may do nothing more than try to build recognition of brand name, logo and trade dress.
Brand Storytelling
Developing narratives that capture the emotional, social and logical appeal of your brand.
Camping Strategy
Establishing physical presence close to customers such as a booth at a conference.
Channel Partners
Finding partners to sell your products and services.
Choice Architecture
Carefully structuring product variety and sales environments for customer choice.
Competitive Pricing
Managing day-to-day pricing to ensure you’re always competitive.
Consultative Selling
Tailoring things to each customer’s needs.
Convenience Marketing
Making things easier for the customer with techniques such as convenient locations.
Conversion Rate Optimization
Working to convert more customers to increase the ROI of advertising and promotion.
Cost Leadership
Working to have a lower cost base than the competition giving you pricing and spending capabilities the competition can’t match.
Selling more to customers as they make a purchase.
Customer Advocacy
Using customer feedback such as reviews to improve your products and services.
Customer Engagement
Working to have regular interactions with the customer.
Customer Experience
Focusing on the end-to-end experience of customers with the confidence that an exceptional experience brings revenue.
Customer Pain Points
A value proposition based on removing things the customer really doesn’t like such as complex contracts and pricing.
Customer Retention
Customer retention strategies such as bundle discounts for services that make it more difficult to cancel one thing.
Customer Segmentation
Identifying multiple target markets for products and target audiences for messages.
Demand Generation
Promotion and sales efforts to close more revenue now.
Design for X
Designing products for X where X is valuable to customers or your goals. For example, design for quality.
Differentiated Marketing
Targeting products and promotions at specific target markets.
Digital Marketing
Using digital advertising and other tools to precisely reach customers with a compelling message.
Direct Marketing
Messaging and selling to the customer directly.
Distribution Strategy
Making products and services available in different channels and regions.
Drip Marketing
Regularly reaching customers with a message without flooding them with too much.
Early Adopters
Working to have a new product or feature adopted by customers who can drive further adoption.
Event Marketing
Creating, sponsoring or participating in events to promote products.
Everyday Low Price
Making shopping convenient by always offering a reasonable price that removes the need to price compare.
Figure of Merit
A value proposition based on a number that customers care about. For example, an airline that promotes its 99% on-time rate.
Go-to-Market Strategy
Strategies for launching a product, building market share and encouraging adoption.
Inbound Marketing
Creating something great and waiting for the customer to come to you.
Influencer Marketing
Endorsements and product placement from influencers.
Integrated Campaigns
Coordinating promotional efforts across channels.
Internal Branding
Making sure that every employee knows your brand inside out.
Lead Users
Engaging the coolest or most advanced customers to lead in your industry.
Local Marketing
Working to connect with customers and communities in the places where you sell.
Loyalty Programs
Offering rewards and incentives for repeat business.
Market Expansion
Scaling into new locations or markets.
Market Penetration
Focusing on building market share over profitability.
Market Research
Working to understand customers and competition.
Marketing Campaigns
Coordinated efforts that may include advertising, promotion, promotional pricing and inventory management.
Marketing Mix
Value propositions based on some combination of product, price, place and promotion.
Designing the environments where products are sold.
Niche Marketing
Targeting a relatively small target market with unique needs.
Outbound Marketing
Promoting products by pushing messages out to the customer with techniques such as advertising.
Personal Selling
Using sales people to establish relationships with customers to close sales.
Price Differentiation
Strategies such as coupons that seek to sell at different prices to customers based on their price sensitivity.
Price Leadership
Setting at the lowest price on the market. Often requires a lower cost base.
Price Skimming
An initially high price for a new product that has generated much interest.
Product Culture
Immersing your firm in the culture surrounding your products. For example, a snowboard firm that only hires devoted snowboarders.
Product Innovation
Aiming for products and services that leap ahead in value.
Public Relations
Managing communications such as press releases and social media presence.
Referral Marketing
Encouraging existing customers to refer new customers.
Revenue Management
Complex and dynamic pricing strategies designed to sell all inventory before it expires.
Sales Incentives
Giving high power salespeople strong incentives to sell.
Sales and Operations Planning
Aligning production and inventory with promotion.
Test Marketing
Testing products and marketing in the real world before scaling them.
Traditional Marketing
Marketing using techniques that predate the digital age such as broadcast media and person-to-person sales.
Undifferentiated Marketing
A brand or product that targets everyone as a customer.
Value Proposition
Developing a unique and valuable position for products that serve customer needs.
The list above includes the primary ways that firms establish a competitive advantage with marketing. For example, Design for X, may appear to be a random choice for the list but is actually one of the main ways that firms establish superior products that sell themselves. For example, you could argue that Apple's entire business model is based on Design for Usability.


This is the complete list of articles we have written about marketing.
Above The Line
Absolute Advantage
Active Customers
Active Users
Added Value
Adoption Lifecycle
Advertising Strategy
Algorithmic Pricing
Alliance Marketing
Attribution Marketing
Augmented Reality
Backward Invention
Barriers To Entry
Below The Line
Bliss Point
Brand Awareness
Brand Engagement
Brand Identity
Brand Loyalty
Brand Recall
Bricks And Clicks
Business Operations
Business Principles
Business Strategy
Buyer Persona
Call To Action
Channel Conflict
Channel Management
Channel Strategy
Channel Structure
Churn Rate
Competitive Threat
Complex Sales
Conversion Rate
Corporate Governance
Cost Leadership
Cost Per Lead
Customer Advocacy
Customer Analysis
Customer Dissatisfaction
Customer Experience
Customer Interactions
Customer Issues
Customer Journey
Customer Loyalty
Customer Marketing
Customer Motivation
Customer Relationships
Customer Service
Customer Value
Demand Generation
Digital Channels
Digital Marketing
Direct Marketing
Drip Marketing
Figure Of Merit
Flat Pricing
Gross Margin
In-Store Marketing
Lifestyle Brand
Market Analysis
Market Intelligence
Market Power
Market Price
Market Research
Marketing Automation
Marketing Benchmarks
Marketing Campaign
Marketing Channel
Marketing Communications
Marketing Costs
Marketing Economics
Marketing Experimentation
Marketing Metrics
Marketing Mix
Marketing Plan
Marketing Principles
Marketing Strategy
Marketing Strategy
Marketing Technology
Marketing Theory
Media Planning
Penetration Pricing
Personal Selling
Premium Pricing
Price Discrimination
Price Economics
Price Leadership
Price Points
Price Sensitivity
Price Skimming
Price War
Pricing Objectives
Pricing Power
Product Development
Product Differentiation
Product Identity
Product Launch
Product Management
Product Quality
Promotion Strategy
Public Relations
Pull Strategy
Relationship Marketing
Sales Development
Sales Strategy
Scarcity Marketing
Soft Selling
Switching Barriers
Target Market
Test Marketing
Through The Line
Time To Market
Traditional Marketing
Variable Pricing
Visual Merchandising
Wallet Share
Word Of Mouth
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