Airports | Bicycles racks |
Bike lanes | Blue space |
Boardwalks | Breakwaters |
Bridges | Canals |
Community gardens | Convention centers |
Crosswalks | Desalination plants |
District heating | Dog parks |
Electrical grids | Emergency services |
Ferry terminals | Fire hydrants |
Fire stations | Fountains |
Government buildings | Green roofs |
Green spaces | Harbors |
Highways | Hospitals |
Internet infrastructure | Jetties |
Libraries | Marinas |
Markets | Museums |
Overpasses | Parking lots and garages |
Parks | Pedestrian bridges |
Pedestrian tunnels | Pedestrian zones |
Play streets | Playgrounds |
Police stations | Ports |
Post offices | Power plants |
Public restrooms | Public space |
Public squares | Public swimming pools |
Public wifi | Rail tracks |
Recreation centers | Recycling centers |
Reservoirs | Riverbanks |
Roads | Roundabouts |
Schools | Seawalls |
Security barriers | Security landscaping |
Sewer systems | Sidewalks |
Signage and wayfinding | Skate parks |
Spillways | Sports fields |
Stadiums | Storm drains |
Street furniture | Street trees |
Streetlights | Subways |
Theaters | Traffic circles |
Traffic signals | Train stations |
Tram lines | Tunnels |
Underpasses | Urban farming spaces |
Wastewater treatment plants | Water mains |
Water meters | Water pipes |
Water pumping stations | Water towers |
City infrastructure are the foundational services that support the quality of life and economy of a city. This includes soft infrastructure such as emergency services and hard infrastructure such as bridges.
City infrastructure are the services and physical structures that contribute to life in a city. These can be public facilities owned by a government or community. City infrastructure also typically includes commercial services such as a utility that operates power stations and electrical grids.