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Aqua is a spectral color between blue and green that is named for the color of water. In an RGB color model, aqua is often represented as the strongest intensity of green and blue with no red. This is due to the properties of water and light. When white light travels through water, red wavelengths are often absorbed and blues and greens are more likely to escape absorption. As such, deep water appears blue or blue-green. The color of water varies significantly depending on factors such as light, depth and mineral content. As such, aqua is also a color family that includes a variety of blues and greens inspired by the color of water. The following are common aqua colors.
Type | | Definition (1) | A spectral color between blue and green that is inspired by the color of water. | Definition (2) | | Definition (3) | A family of color inspired by colors of water. | Similar Colors | | | Red | Associations | Water | Related Concepts | |
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