Electric Blue#7df9ff
Electric Cyan#0ff0fc
Electric Ultramarine#3f00ff
Medium Electric Blue#035096
Rich Electric Blue#0892d0
Electric Sheep#55ffff
Neon Blue#04d9ff
Shady Neon Blue#5555ff
Fluorescent Turquoise#00fdff
9 Types of Electric Blue
Electric blue is a bright cyan color that approximates the color of blue neon or fluorescent lights. It is also a descriptive term for any blue that glows with intensity. Electric blue was a color name as early as 1845 and is referenced in several mid-19th century novels. This may have been a description of colors seen in lightning as neither light bulbs nor commercial electricity generation existed at this time. Electric blue lights made with neon gas and mercury were invented in 1915. These were commonly used in commercial signs until the 1990s when fluorescent tube lighting went into decline due to innovations such as flat screen TVs that allowed for more dynamic commercial signs. As such, electric blue is particularly associated with the 1980s as this was peak blue neon, particularly in Japan that still has countless neon lights from this era in operation. In the 1980s, electric blue appears in fiction and song as a descriptive term for colors, particularly blue eyes. In contemporary fiction and song it is more likely to be used as an analogy for nostalgia and longing for the past. The following color palette includes electric blue and a few related colors.
Electric Blue#7df9ff Electric Cyan#0ff0fc Electric Ultramarine#3f00ff Medium Electric Blue#035096 Rich Electric Blue#0892d0 Electric Sheep#55ffff Neon Blue#04d9ff Shady Neon Blue#5555ff Fluorescent Turquoise#00fdff
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