Assembling Furniture | Being Launched in a Rocket |
Cafes & Restaurants | Catch Ball |
Climbing | Crossing the Street |
Cultural Activities | Cutting Grass |
Cycling | Dancing |
Driving a Car | Fishing |
Gymnastics | Haunted Houses |
Hide and Seek | Hotel Lobbies |
Ice Skating | Immersive Art |
Karaoke | Mixed Reality Games |
Museums | Nightclubbing |
Orienting | Performance Art |
Riding in a Train | Running |
Sailing | Shopping |
Sitting at a Desk | Skipping |
Sleeping in a Bed | Sports |
Street Photography | Swimming |
Tag | Taking a Flight |
Taking an Elevator | Theme Parks |
Using a Library | Using a Tool |
Walking | Working in a Factory |
Physical Experience Design
Physical experience design is the design of environments, products and services that are involved in physical experiences. Most design includes some element of physical experience including architecture, interior design, user experience design and industrial design.Overview: Physical Experience | ||
Type | ||
Definition | Experiences that involve movement of the body through time and space. | |
Contrasted With | Mental ExperienceEmotional ExperienceSpiritual ExperienceSocial ExperienceVirtual Experience | |
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