Abstraction | Analysis |
Argument | Automaticity |
Big Picture Thinking | Brainstorming |
Challenging Assumptions | Changing Your Mind |
Composing / Performing Music | Composing a Story |
Consciousness | Convergent Thinking |
Counterfactual Thinking | Creativity |
Critical Thinking | Dealing With Ambiguity |
Debate | Decision Making |
Design Thinking | Divergent Thinking |
Dreaming | Emotions |
Empathy | Estimates |
Experiencing Music | Experiencing Time |
Fear | First Principles |
Free Expression | Grey Areas |
Heuristics | Humor |
Imagination | Inference |
Intentionality | Interpreting Cause and Effect |
Introspection | Judgment |
Language | Learning |
Logic | Meditation / Transcendence |
Memory | Nostalgia |
Objectivity | Overthinking |
Pattern Recognition | Perception |
Predicting / Probabilities | Problem Solving |
Rational Thought | Reflective Thinking |
Salience | Sensation |
Senses | Situational Awareness |
Socializing | Spatial Reasoning |
Strategic Thinking | Subjectivity |
Tacit Learning | Thought Experiments |
Verbal Reasoning | Visual Thinking |
Will | Wit |
Writing |
Overview: Mental Experiences | ||
Type | ||
Definition | Elements of the human experience that occur in the mind. | |
Related Concepts |