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White is the color that results from light that contains a full spectrum of wavelengths. The mind could perceive this as unbelievably colorful but makes a simplification whereby this colorful light is mapped to white that is perceived as a regular color. White things are common in nature as sunlight itself is white in space before it is scattered by the atmosphere to look yellowish. Likewise, snow, ice, clouds and foamy water are white. For this reason, some animals are white as a form of camouflage in snowy environments. White is the ultimate background color as it doesn't absorb any light and has high contrast with all dark colors. As such, it is a pervasive color for things such as paint and paper that serve as backgrounds. The following are common white things.
Almonds (peeled) | Apple Sauce | Arctic Wolves | Baking Soda | Banana | Baseballs | Bathrobes | Beer Foam | Beluga Whales | Birch Bark | Bleached Coral | Bones | Bread / Buns | Cakes | Candles | Cannellini Beans | Cauliflower | Ceramics | Chalk | Cheese | Chickens | Clouds | Coconuts | Coffee Foam | Concrete | Cooked Chicken | Cotton | Cream | Cream Cheese | Daikon | Daisies | Dandelions | Dogs | Dogwood | Dough | Doves | Dragonfruit | Eggs | Egrets | Enoki | Feathers | Flour | Foam | Frost | Garlic | Geese | Ghosts | Ginseng | Glue | Goats | Golf Balls | Gypsum | Hail | Hair | Horses | Ice | Icebergs | Icing | Jasmine | Lab Coats | Lace | Light (full spectrum light) | Lilies | Limestone | Lychee | Marble | Marshmallows | Mayonnaise | Meringue | Metal | Milk | Milk Shakes | Milky Quartz | Moisturizer | Moon | Mother of Pearl | Mozzarella | Mummies | Mushrooms | Napkins | Navy Beans | Noodles | Onion | Paper | Peach (peeled) | Pear (peeled) | Pearls | Peeled Apple | Pho | Plaster | Plastic | Polar Bears | Porcelain | Potato | Rabbits | Radish | Rice | Rice Cakes | Rice Paper | Rice Puddling | Roots | Salt | Sand | Seagulls | Seeds | Shaved Ice | Shaving Cream | Sheep | Sheets / Pillows / Bedding | Shells | Ship Sails | Shuttlecock | Silk | Silkworms | Snow | Snowbells | Snowmen | Snowy Owls | Soap | Sour Cream | Space Suits | Stars | Stucco | Styrofoam | Sugar | Sunlight | Swans | Tartare Sauce | Teeth | Tissues | Titanium Dioxide | Tofu | Toothpaste | Towels | Turnips | Tusks | Udon | Vanilla Ice Cream | Vermicelli | Water Lilies | Wedding Dresses | Whip Cream | White Chocolate | White Daffodil | White Jade | White Roses | White Sauce (Bechamel Sauce) | White Sesame | White Tigers | White Water | White of Eyes | Whiteboards | Whitecaps | Wool | Yoghurt | Zinc |
White FoodsWhite is an extraordinarily common color for food as many basic ingredients such as milk, sugar and flour are often white. In many cases, foods are white inside but not outside such as the inside of an almond, apple or coconut.White AnimalsWhite coloring can be found in mammals, birds, fish, reptiles and insects. This can serve as camouflage in snowy environments or can be used to signal dominance by standing out. Some animals are only rarely white such as the white tiger, a rare variation of Bengal tiger. In some cases, white coloration is due to genetic mutations or albinism.Natural White ThingsThings that occur in nature with white coloration. White is the color that human's perceive when all colors of the visible spectrum are present in light. As such, starlight and sunlight are white. This is the reason that highly reflective things such as snow, ice, clouds or the Moon are white. White MaterialsMaterials that are naturally white such as gypsum or customarily white such as paper. This list includes things that are white variations such as white gold where gold is more typically a bright yellow.Other White ThingsOther notable white things including mythical things or products that are customarily white such as toothpaste. In some cases, white things symbolize purity and cleanliness because white materials easily show when they are dirty. For example, hotels may use white towels to highlight that the towels are perfectly clean.Next read: White Color
Color Things
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