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Green is the predominant color of vegetation due to the chemical chlorophyll that plants use to capture energy from light. As such, a large number of trees, plants, vegetables and fruits are green. Animals and insects are often green as a form of camouflage. Humans perceive green as natural but also associate it with poison, toxins and sickness. This is perhaps due to the remaining sense that nature is both nurturing and dangerous. The following are common green things.
Algae | Aliens (film & fiction) | Aloe Vera | Apples | Artichoke | Avocado | Basil | Birds | Bitter Melon | Bok Choy | Breadfruit | Broccoli | Brussels Sprouts | Cabbage | Cactuses | Camouflage | Candy | Capsicum | Caterpillar | Celadon (ceramics) | Celery | Chameleon | Chartreuse | Christmas Trees | Clover | Copper Patina | Coriander | Crickets | Crocodiles | Cucumbers | Dill | Dragons (film & fiction) | Durian Fruit | Edamame | Emeralds | Eyes | Ferns | Fish | Flowers | Forests | Frogs | Glass / Bottles | Go Lights | Goblins (mythical) | Grapes | Grass | Grasshoppers | Green Beans | Green Chrysanthemum | Green Diamond | Green June Beetle | Green Mamba | Green Oranges | Green Peppers | Green Sapphire | Green Seas | Green Tea | Greenware (ceramics) | Guacamole | Guava | Holly | Iguana | Insects / Bugs | Ivy | Jackfruit | Jade | Jalapeno | Jungles | Kale | Kiwi | Leaves | Leeks | Leprechaun | Lettuce | Lime | Lizards | Malachite | Mantis | Matcha | Melon | Mint | Money | Moss | Mung Beans | Noni | Nori | Okra | Olives | Oregano | Parakeets | Parrots | Parsley | Pears | Peas | Peridot | Perilla / Shiso | Peter Pan | Pickles | Pistachio | Plants | Plums | Poison (film & fiction) | Poison Ivy | Rucola | Salad | Seaweed | Shamrocks | Snakes | Snow Peas | Spinach | Sports Fields | Star Fruit | Stink Bugs | Tennis Balls | Tourmaline | Trees | Turnip Greens | Turtles | Wasabi | Watermelon | Wintergreen | Zucchini |
Natural Green ThingsGreen is such a pervasive color in nature that the color is visible when viewing planet Earth from space over vast regions of land. This is due to the pigment called chlorophyll in plants that plays a critical role in the ecosystems of the planet whereby it is used by plants to covert light energy into chemical energy. Green AnimalsGreen is a common color for animals, particularly insects, lizards, amphibians, birds and fish that may adopt the color for camouflage and for other reasons such as an enhanced ability to absorb green light. Interesting there are no green mammals. Sloths can be green but this is due to algae in their fur. Mammals evolved from ancestors that produce melanin as a pigment that produces colors such as black, brown and red but not green.Green FoodsGreen is the iconic color of vegetables and is also found in fruits such as kiwi and beverages such as green tea.Green Gems & MineralsGreen rocks and minerals including the precious gems emeralds and jade. Emeralds are one of the cardinal gems of antiquity -- a group of gems that were historically valued above all others in Europe. The cardinal gems were ruby, emerald, sapphire, diamond and amethyst. Jade has a similar history of being considered an extremely precious stone in China and Mesoamerica.Other Green ThingsOther green things including fictional things. Interestingly, green is often used to represent nature but is also used to represent the supernatural, alien and toxic. This is quite odd and might be rooted in the familiarity of mammals that are never green and the more alien feeling surrounding insects, reptiles and amphibians that are often green.Next read: Meaning of Green
Color Things
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