Age-old | Ancient |
Antiquated | Archaic |
Bittersweet | Bygone |
Chaotic | Classical |
Dazzling | Desolate |
Discarded | Discolored |
Distant past | Dreamy |
Early days | Echoing |
Edwardian | Evanescent |
Evocative | Faded |
Fading | Fearless |
Fond | Forgotten |
Fragmented | Ghostly |
Glittering | Harkening |
Haunting | Hazy |
Heartfelt | Heartwrenching |
Heroic | Historic |
Historical | Legendary |
Long ago | Longing |
Lyrical | Majestic |
Medieval | Melancholic |
Memories | Middle Ages |
Momentary | Monumental |
Mournful | Mythical |
Noble | Nostalgic |
Obsolete | Old-fashioned |
Opulent | Outdated |
Painful | Poignant |
Prehistoric | Primitive |
Reflective | Regretful |
Remnants | Reminiscent |
Remote past | Renaissance |
Resonant | Retro |
Romantic | Saudade |
Searing | Sentimental |
Shadowy | Sorrowful |
Sweet | Tattered |
Tender | Time-honored |
Touching | Traditional |
Tragic | Transient |
Triumphant | Tumultuous |
Unstable | Vanishing |
Victorian | Vintage |
Warm | Wild |
Wistful | Yearning |
Words to describe the past include descriptions of time periods, the character of your past and your feelings about it. This may evoke imagery that depicts the distance and inaccessibility of the past.