Able | Accomplished |
Adaptable | Adept |
Adventurous | Affectionate |
Ambitious | Amiable |
Audacious | Authentic |
Brave | Bright |
Calm | Candid |
Capable | Commanding |
Committed | Compassionate |
Competent | Composed |
Confident | Connected |
Considerate | Consistent |
Conventional | Cool |
Courteous | Creative |
Credible | Cultured |
Determined | Diligent |
Discerning | Efficient |
Elegant | Empathetic |
Encouraging | Energetic |
Engaged | Ethical |
Experienced | Exuberant |
Fashionable | Flexible |
Friendly | Generous |
Gentle | Gifted |
Helpful | Honest |
Honorable | Humble |
Imaginative | Immersed |
Impartial | Insightful |
Inspiring | Intelligent |
Inventive | Judicious |
Kind | Knowledgable |
Learned | Levelheaded |
Likable | Logical |
Masterful | Nice |
Open | Optimistic |
Outgoing | Passionate |
Perceptive | Persistent |
Personable | Persuasive |
Polished | Polite |
Positive | Practical |
Pragmatic | Principled |
Productive | Professional |
Qualified | Rational |
Realistic | Reasonable |
Recognized | Refined |
Reliable | Reputable |
Reserved | Resilient |
Resourceful | Restrained |
Risk-taking | Scholarly |
Secure | Self-assured |
Self-confident | Self-directed |
Sensitive | Sincere |
Skilled | Smart |
Sociable | Sophisticated |
Stable | Stylish |
Supportive | Talented |
Thoughtful | Trusting |
Trustworthy | Unassuming |
Understanding | Unpretentious |
Well Educated | Well-rounded |
Personality Traits
Personality traits are how a person perceives their fundamental qualities and character or how they are perceived by others.
Cognitive Traits
Describing a person's cognitive abilities, knowledge and the way that they think.
Emotional Traits
The emotional presence and expressions of a person such as someone who is calm and easygoing versus someone who is spirited and sensitive.
Lifestyle Characteristics
Describing the way that a person lives their life including how they spend their time and their style of living.
Social Characteristics
Qualities of a person that relate to social processes and relationships. For example, someone who is outgoing and collaborative or someone who is reserved and independent.
Professional Characteristics
Characteristics related to an individual's work, profession and career.
Moral Characteristics
An individual's moral character describes the qualities or attributes that guide their ethical behavior in a variety of situations and relationships. For example, someone who is loyal to their family.
Personal Presence
The overall atmosphere of a person that captures their temperament, spirit, tone or energy.
Words to describe a person include vocabularies for describing the character, talents, personal presence, social traits, cognitive characteristics, lifestyle, interests and general demeanor of an individual.