Words to describe analysis are terms to characterize the type or nature of a systematic investigation and examination. These can highlight the intent of analysis such as a confirmatory analysis. Descriptive words for analysis can also highlight the quality or approach of the analysis with terms such as reproducible or methodical. The following vocabulary may be helpful in describing analysis.
Accessible | Accountable | Accurate | Analytical | Applicable | Appraisal | Astute | Auditable | Captivating | Careful | Cause-and-effect | Cautious | Clear | Cogent | Coherent | Comparable | Comparative | Competent | Comprehensible | Comprehensive | Concentrated | Concise | Confirmatory | Consistent | Controlled | Conventional | Convincing | Correlation | Corroborative | Critical | Cross-validated | Data | Data-driven | Decision-focused | Defensible | Deliberate | Demonstrative | Descriptive | Detailed | Diagnostic | Diligent | Dimensional | Documented | Educational | Effective | Efficient | Elaborate | Engaging | Enriching | Error-free | Ethical | Evaluative | Evidentiary | Exhaustive | Experimental | Expert | Explanatory | Exploratory | Factor | Fair | Fascinating | Final | Focused | Forensic | Further | Goal-oriented | Hypothetical | Illuminating | Illustrative | Impartial | In-depth | Informative | Inquisitive | Insightful | Intensive | Interdisciplinary | Interpretable | Interpretive | Interrogative | Intuitive | Investigative | Investigatory | Judicious | Just | Justifiable | Logical | Mathematical | Meta | Methodical | Meticulous | Multivariate | Objective | Observational | Organized | Painstaking | Pattern | Perceptive | Persuasive | Philosophical | Pragmatic | Precise | Preliminary | Probing | Problem-solving | Proficient | Profound | Prudent | Qualitative | Quantitative | Rational | Realistic | Reflective | Regression | Reliable | Repeatable | Replicable | Reproducible | Revelatory | Rigorous | Robust | Scientific | Sensitive | Shrewd | Skillful | Solid | Sophisticated | Sound | Standardized | Statistical | Strategic | Structural | Structured | Subsequent | Synthesizing | Systematic | Systemic | Technical | Thorough | Thought-provoking | Thoughtful | Traceable | Transferable | Transparent | Trend | Trustworthy | Unbiased | Valid | Validated | Verifiable | Verifying | Well-defined | Well-documented | Well-established | Well-founded | Well-organized | Well-reasoned | Well-rounded | Well-structured | Well-supported | |
This is the complete list of articles we have written about analysis.
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A complete guide to the common types of analysis.
An overview of analysis in writing with examples.
Examples of different types of analysis.
The definition of analytical thinking with examples.
An overview of bottom-up with examples.
An overview of thesis statements with examples.
A few definitions of function.
An overview of functional requirements with examples.
A few definition of definition.
An overview of situation analysis with examples.
An overview of common problem solving approaches.
A list of common first principles.
An overview of social analysis with examples.
A list of business analysis techniques and deliverables.
An overview of business quality with examples.
A list of common types of business result.
An overview of team analysis with examples.
An overview of the different types of business planning.
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An overview of impact analysis with examples.
An overview of quality analysis with examples.
An overview of business pain points with examples.
An overview of business context with examples.
An overview of operational analysis with examples.
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An overview of project analysis with examples.
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