Adaptive | Advanced |
Ambitious | Analytical |
Assertive | Attentive |
Balanced | Basic |
Busy | Careful |
Challenging | Charismatic |
Clear | Collaborative |
Committed | Compassionate |
Competitive | Complex |
Comprehensive | Concise |
Confident | Considerate |
Consistent | Core |
Courteous | Creative |
Critical | Cross-functional |
Crucial | Decisive |
Dedicated | Demanding |
Dependable | Difficult |
Diligent | Distinguished |
Effective | Efficient |
Engaging | Enriching |
Essential | Ethical |
Exacting | Exciting |
Exhaustive | Expressive |
Fast-paced | Flawless |
Flexible | Focused |
Fulfilling | Goal-oriented |
Hardworking | Helpful |
Honest | Impeccable |
Important | Industrious |
Influential | Informative |
Insightful | Integral |
Intellectual | Intelligent |
Intense | Irreplaceable |
Key | Knowledgeable |
Masterly | Meaningful |
Measured | Methodical |
Meticulous | Mission-critical |
Momentous | Necessary |
Objective | Optimized |
Patient | Persuasive |
Polished | Practical |
Pragmatic | Precise |
Precision | Primary |
Pristine | Proactive |
Productive | Professional |
Purposeful | Quality |
Refined | Reliable |
Remarkable | Resonant |
Resourceful | Responsive |
Rewarding | Rigorous |
Satisfying | Significant |
Skilled | Steadfast |
Stimulating | Streamlined |
Structured | Substantial |
Supportive | Sustained |
Systematic | Thorough |
Time-consuming | Timely |
Tireless | Top-notch |
Transparent | Trustworthy |
Understanding | Unique |
Urgent | Valid |
Valuable | Visionary |
Vital | Welcoming |
Well-executed | Well-organized |
Well-planned | Well-structured |
Things to Describe About Work
Whether you are documenting a job description or describing a role that you performed there are several key types of information to consider including:- The type of work such as freelance or employee.
- The work environment such as high pressure or creative.
- Work performance including outcomes and measurable results.
- Work ethic, culture and attitudes such as a culture of professionalism.
- Work relationships and collaboration such as cross-functional efforts or managing stakeholders.
- The required talents, skills and character traits for work such as diligence.
- What people get from work such as work that is rewarding.
- Pressures of a job such as competition and a high rate of industry change.
- Working conditions such as locations, travel and overtime.