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Schools can be described in terms of their mission, history, reputation, ethics, structure, approach, facilities, staff, students, culture, general environment and results. It is common for school descriptions to include overused cliche vocabulary such as "excellence" and "enable." However, there is a large difference in the message put forth by school descriptions. Some descriptions are obviously cookie-cutter such that they convey no information other than the mediocrity of their author. Others convey a passion for an approach to life and learning -- whether that approach is traditional and disciplined or individualistic and risk-taking. The following vocabulary is commonly used to describe schools.Abilities | Academics | Accentuates | Accredited | Activities | Admission | Advanced | Adventurous | Affiliated | Ambitious | Analytical | Approach | Art | Aspirations | Athletics | Atmosphere | Authentic | Balance | Best Selves | Beyond | Blend | Broad | Campus | Capacity | Caring | Celebrate | Challenges | Change | Character-building | Choices | Citizens | Classes | Classrooms | Clubs | Co-authors | Co-educational | Coding | Combination | Communicate | Community | Community Service | Compassionate | Competition | Complex | Confidence | Consistently | Continuum | Creativity | Critical Thinking | Cultivate | Curiosity | Curriculum | Cutting-edge | Debate | Demanding | Design | Design Thinking | Determination | Development | Difference | Different | Discipline | Discover | Discuss | Diversity | Emotional | Empathetic | Enable | Encounter | Encourage | Energy | Engage | Enthusiasm | Environment | Ethics | Excellence | Exchanges | Experience | Experiential | Experiment | Expert | Explore | Extend | Facilities | Faculty | Family | Flexible | Flourish | Foremost | Foster | Foundation | Friendly | Friendships | Front and Center | Future | Global Citizens | Goal-setting | Grapple | Grounding | Growth | Healthy | History | Home | Ideas | Imagination | Impact | Impressive | Inclusive | Independent | Informal | Innovative | Inquiry | Intellectual | Interests | International | Interpretation | Joyful | Knowledge | Language | Leaders | Life-changing | Lifelong | Local | Location | Love of Learning | Mastery | Mature | Meaningful | Mind, Body and Spirit | Mission | Modern | Morals | Motivation | Natural | Nimble | Nurture | Open | Opportunities | Options | Outlook | Outstanding | Ownership | Participation | Partnership | Passionate | Peers | Performing Arts | Personal Paths | Personalized | Perspectives | Pillars | Positive | Potential | Power | Preparatory | Prepares | Prestigious | Productive | Programs | Progressive | Projects | Pursue | Question Assumptions | Questions | Range | Real-world | Reasoning | Reflection | Remarkable | Renown | Research | Resilience | Resources | Respect | Responsible | Results | Rigorous | Risk Takers | Robust | Safe | Schedule | School Culture | Science | Selective | Self-confidence | Self-knowledge | Share | Skills | Small | Social | Society | Solid | Solutions | Solve Problems | Spectacular | Spirit | Stewardship | Stimulating | Strength of Character | Strive | Strong | Structured | Student Population | Student-teacher Ratio | Support | Talented | Teachers | Thoughtfulness | Thrive | Tools | Top Rated/Ranked | Top-tier | Tough | Traditional | Unique | United | Unleash | Unrivalled | Voices | Warm | Welcoming | Wellbeing | Whole-child | Wide Range | Wonder | World-Class |
MissionDescribing the purpose and goals of the school with words such as future, impact, global, visionary, inspiration, ethical, rigorous and responsible. This is the school's raison d'être -- the reason the school exists in the first place.HistoryCapturing the history of the school with words such as founded, established, tradition, evolution and pioneering. You can go into your founding story even if your school is relatively young.ReputationConveying the reputation of the school with words such as esteemed, renowned, prestigious, notable, acclaimed, distinguished, recognized and celebrated.Ethics & ValuesDescriptions of your ethics, values and principles as a school with words such as fair, compassion, honor, inclusive, stewardship, empathy, service, honesty, courage, tolerance and respect.ApproachIndicating your educational approach with words such as traditional, progressive, experiential, collaborative, interdisciplinary, socratic and adaptive. FacilitiesDescribing your school campus and facilities with terms such as modern, well-equipped, state-of-the-art, spacious and safe.StaffCharacterizing your teaching staff with words such as dedicated, knowledgeable, supportive, professional, caring and passionate.StudentsDescribing the students of the school with terms such as diverse, ambitious, accomplished, critical thinkers, creative and talented.CultureCharacterizing your school culture with words such as inclusive, welcoming, supportive, respectful, collaborative, diverse, positive and inquisitive. ResultsDescribing student outcomes and the general results of the school itself with terms such as achievements, accomplishments, success, performance, attainment, rankings and awards.
SummaryDescriptions of a school can cover areas such as mission, history, traditions, reputation and school culture. It is also common to include details of facilities, teaching staff, educational approach and to indicate the overall outcomes and results produced by the school.Next read: School Culture
School Culture
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