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Economic Conditions

52 Examples of Economic Conditions

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Economic conditions is the set of factors that describe the state of the economy at a point in time. This includes economic output and growth and any factors that influence the economic realities of governments, businesses, individuals and households. The following are common economic conditions.
Gross domestic product (GDP)
Recessions and depressions
Inflation or deflation
Interest rates
Credit availability
Unemployment rate
Labor supply
Labor demand such as job openings
Exchange rates
Consumer confidence
Consumer spending
Stock market conditions
Bond market conditions
Housing market conditions
Small business conditions
Wage levels and wage growth
Productivity levels
Income and disposable income levels
Consumer debt
Business debt
Government debt
Business profits
Market competition
Supply shocks and shortages
Trade balance
Tax rates
Tax burden – e.g. does burden fall on middle class or the upper class
Business confidence
Job creation
Capacity utilization
Foreign direct investment
Energy prices
Government regulations
Trade barriers
Technological change
Fiscal policy – government spending
Monetary policy – such as interest rates
Business investment and capital investment
Export and import levels
Banking system stability such as capital adequacy
Money supply
Political stability
Disasters and other business disruptions
Government shutdowns
Strikes and labor disputes
Poverty and social issues
Economic mobility

Economic Conditions

This is the complete list of articles we have written about economic conditions.
Business Cycle
Capital Flight
Economic Conditions
Economic Issues
Economic Problems
Economic Risk
Excess Burden
Good Unemployment
Supply Shock
Trade War
Zombie Company
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