Commodity RiskAdverse change to commodity prices. | Concentration RiskA lack of diversification. |
Cost RiskThe risk of a cost increase for a particular good or service. | Credit RiskThe risk that borrowers won't pay you. |
Currency RiskAdverse exchange rate fluctuations. | Deflation RiskThe risk of a deflationary environment. |
Demand RiskPotential for demand for goods or services to collapse. | Inflation RiskThe risk of a sustained increase in price levels. |
Interest Rate RiskAdverse change to interest rates. | Labor RiskAdverse change to labor markets such as a lack of skilled job candidates. |
Liquidity RiskThe risk that a market will lack buyers and sellers. | Market RiskRisks related to market conditions such as prices and liquidity. |
Political RiskPolitical instability that shuts down economic activity. | Recession RiskThe risk of a sustained economic downturn. |
Supply RiskInability to secure supplies and business inputs. |
Overview: Economic Risk | ||
Type | ||
Definition | The probability that changes in the greater economy will result in a loss. | |
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