Accidents | Accomplishments |
Adversity | Artistic Pursuits |
Awards | Businesses You've Started |
Club Memberships | Coaching Experiences |
Community Life - e.g. what it was like in your neighborhood growing up | Conflict |
Cultural Life | Decisions You've Made |
Diy Projects | Embarrassing Moments |
Events Attended | Exercise Pursuits |
Experiencing Discrimination / Biases | Extracurricular Activities |
Failures | Family |
Family Life | Friends |
Goals You've Achieved | Growing As A Person |
Health Problems | Immigration |
Jobs | Languages / Language Learning |
Leadership Experiences | Lifestyle / Lifestyle Changes |
Living Conditions e.g. poverty | Marriages / Romantic Partnerships |
Music Pursuits | Nightlife |
Overcoming Fears | Parenting |
Particularly Bad Luck / Good Luck | People Who Inspired You / Helped You |
Performance Art | Personality / Character |
Pets | Places You've Lived |
Political Participation | Problems You've Solved |
Process of Maturing / Aging | Public Speaking Experiences |
Qualifications You've Earned | Recognition |
Regrets | Relationships |
Relatives | Risks You've Taken |
Rites of Passage | Romance |
Routines & Habits | School Projects |
Schools You've Attended | Social Interactions |
Sports Experiences / Team Memberships | Studying |
Teaching Experiences | Teamwork / Collaborative Experiences |
Things You Learned From Failure / Challenges | Times When You Accepted Accountability for Mistakes / Failures |
Times When You Took On Responsibility | Traditions |
Travel | Values & Ethics |
Volunteering | Working Conditions |