2000 - Present | 21st CenturyThe current century. |
2000 - Present | 3rd MillenniumThe current thousand year period. |
1995 - Present | Internet AgeThe commercialization of the internet that represented the large scale connection of computers into a single network that rapidly transformed economies and societies. |
1989 - 2019 | Heisei EraThe reign of Emperor Akihito in Japan. |
1970 - Present | Postmodern EraThe theory that the current period is being defined by the ideas of postmodernism. |
1970 - Present | UNIX EpochThe UNIX and Linux operating systems represent time as the number of milliseconds since 00:00:00 Thursday, 1 January 1970. This can be viewed as the start of the computer era. |
1950 - Present | Third Industrial RevolutionThe use of computers by business to automate work and improve decision making. |
1946 - 1991 | Cold WarA period of intense conflict between Capitalist and Communist societies that ended with the collapse of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics in 1991. |
1945 - Present | Atomic AgeDefined by the existence of nuclear weapons such that the planet has been placed in a state of existential threat. |
1945 - Present | Contemporary AgeDefined by the end of WWII. Requires future redefinition as contemporary refers to a period of history that currently living people have experienced. |
1943 - Present | Information AgeThe age of information technology defined here as beginning with the first electronic programmable computers such as Colossus introduced in the middle of WWII. |
1929 - 1939 | The Great DepressionThe longest, deepest and most widespread economic downturn of the 20th century. |
1926 - 1989 | Showa EraThe reign of Emperor Hirohito in Japan. A turbulent period characterized by Japan's aggressive imperial expansion, WWII, the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and the occupation of Japan by the United States from 1945–1952. |
1920 - 1933 | ProhibitionAn American constitutional ban on the production, importation, transportation, and sale of alcoholic beverages from 1920 to 1933. This largely backfired resulting in an explosion in the vibrancy of nightlife known as the Roaring Twenties and the Jazz Age. |
1901 - 1914 | Edwardian EraThe brief reign of King Edward VII of Britain. |
1890 - 1920 | Progressive EraA period of political activism in the United States that resulted in major political change such as women's suffrage and prohibition. |
1880 - 1914 | Second Industrial RevolutionAn economic and social revolution driven by advancements in technology such as interchangeable parts, electricity, telegraphs, railroads and automobiles. |
1870 - 1900 | Gilded AgeA period of rapid economic growth in the United States fueled by immigration and industrialization. |
1868 - 1912 | Meiji PeriodThe reign of Emperor Meiji in Japan. |
1837 - 1901 | Victorian EraThe era of British history corresponding to the long rein of Queen Victoria. |
1800 - 1970 | The Modern AgeThe period between the French Revolution and the establishment of computer-based societies beginning around 1970. This is often defined with other dates that begin as early the Renaissance and end as early as 1950. |
1799 - 1815 | Napoleonic EraAn age defined by the rise of Napoleon and the subsequent Napoleonic wars in Europe. |
1760 - 1840 | First Industrial RevolutionThe transition to semi-automated manufacturing processes in Europe and the United States. |
1715 - 1800 | Age of EnlightenmentDefined mostly by the French Revolution in 1789 and the lead up to this coinciding with the reign of Louis XV beginning in 1715. A time of revolutionary thinking and institutionalization of ideas such as liberty, progress, toleration, constitutional government and separation of church and state. |
1714 - 1837 | Georgian EraThe period of British history defined by the reins of George I, George II, George III and George IV. |
1644 - 1911 | Qing DynastyThe last imperial dynasty of China. |
1600 - 1868 | Edo EraA period of peace and stability in Japanese History defined by the movement of the capital to Tokyo. Ends with the fall of the Tokugawa shogunate triggered by the Americans forcing Japan to open to trade. |
1558 - 1603 | Elizabethan EraThe reign of Queen Elizabeth I of Britain. |
1485 - 1603 | Tudor PeriodThe dynasty of the House of Tudor in England. |
1467 - 1600 | Sengoku PeriodThe age of "warring states" in Japanese history characterized by constant conflict and political intrigue. |
1368 – 1644 | Ming DynastyA period in Chinese history defined by the rule of the the Great Ming dynasty. |
1300 - 1600 | RenaissanceA period of profound advancement in thinking and achievement in art, architecture and literature. |
793 - 1066 | Viking AgeA period of European history defined by exploration, conquest and colonization by Scandinavian Norsemen. |
710 - 794 | Nara PeriodA period of Japanese history defined by the capital being Nara. |
500 - 1500 | Middle AgesThe middle ages began with the fall of the Western Roman Empire and ends in 1500 for no authoritative reason around the time of Christopher Columbus's first voyage to the Americas in 1492. |
500 - 1500 | Dark AgesAnother term for the middle ages that implies that civilization slid backwards after the fall of the Western Roman Empire. This is largely viewed as a biased and exaggerated claim. |
450 - 1066 | Anglo-Saxon PeriodA period of British history beginning with the Anglo-Saxon settlement of Britain and ending with the Norman Conquest of England. |
220 - 280 | Three KingdomsA period of Chinese history when China was divided into three states. |
27 BC - 476 | Roman EmpireA period of the classical age defined by the dominance of the Roman Empire. Begins with the rise of the first Roman emperor Augustus and ends with the fall of the Western Roman Empire. |
476 BC – 221 BC | Warring States PeriodA period of ancient Chinese history characterized by conflict, instability and warfare. |
800 BC - 600 AD | Classical AgeThe rise and decline of ancient Greece and Rome on the Mediterranean Sea that represented a large interlocked civilization that wielded significant influence throughout Europe, North Africa and Western Asia. |
1200 BC - 600 BC | Iron AgeA historical period characterized by the use of iron. |
3200 BC - Present | HistoryStarts with the invention of writing. |
3200 BC - 800 BC | Ancient HistoryFrom the beginning of recorded history to the start of the classical age. |
3200 BC - 600 BC | Bronze AgeA historical period characterized by the use of bronze. |
3.3 Million BC - 3200 BC | PrehistoryStarts with the first stone tools used by early humans and ends with the invention of writing. |
11,650 Years Ago - Present | HoloceneThe period since the last ice age. |
3.3 Million Years Ago - 11,650 Years Ago | PaleolithicThe earliest humans to the end of the last ice age. Comprises 99% of human history. |
3.3 Million Years Ago - 3200 BC | Stone AgeA period characterized by the use of simple stone tools that ends with the earliest metalworking. |
66 Million Years Ago - Present | CenozoicThe age of mammals. |
252 - 66 Million Years Ago | Mesozoic EraThe age of the dinosaurs. |
485 - 443 Million Years Ago | OrdovicianA period that starts and ends with major extinction events. |
541 Million Years Ago - Present | PhanerozoicThe period in which abundant complex life has existed on the Earth. |
541 - 485 Million Years Ago | CambrianA period where complex, multicellular organisms enter the geological record. Ends with a major extinction event. |
4600 - 541 Million Years Ago | PrecambrianThe earliest part of Earth's history that accounts for 88% of the Earth's geologic time. Begins with the formation of the Earth 4.6 billion years ago. Life existed in the Precambrian eon but little is known about it and it is unknown when it began. It is possible life began as early as 4.280 billion years ago. |