Trying new things | Challenging authority |
Challenging assumptions including your own | Taking risks |
Facing a fear | Facing problems |
Standing up for yourself | Standing up for others |
Taking emotional risks such as loving others | Bouncing back from failure without loss of enthusiasm |
Growing up | The confidence to retain a youthful, joyful and playful side |
Taking on roles | Accepting accountability for failure |
Taking on responsibility | Being someone that others can rely upon |
Telling the truth | Being nice to the unpopular and socially excluded |
Standing up to a bully | Helping someone who is being bullied |
Challenging popular opinion and groupthink | Being yourself even where you are likely to be misunderstood |
Not pandering to the expectations of others | Finding a peaceful way to resolve things |
Not caring what others think where this is unimportant | Pursuit of happiness without constraint |
Speaking your mind where this is productive | Having the restraint not to speak your mind where this is wrong or hurtful |
Forgiving others | Asking for forgiveness |
Atoning for wrong doings | Doing what you feel is right |
Resisting social pressure | Challenging mediocrity and the status quo |
Defending tradition where it is valuable to you | Embracing uncertainty |
Deferring judgment | Giving others the benefit of a doubt |
Willingness to take the lead where there is a need | Avoiding denial and facing realities |
Doing things that are hard and rewarding | Demanding high standards of yourself |
Looking at yourself in a realistic light without toxic positivity or negativity | Forgiving yourself |
Embracing humor and the apparent absurdities of life | Giving up an unfair advantage |
Avoiding the path of convenience, comfort and least resistance | Saying yes to pursue experience, connectedness and growth |
Saying no to avoid wasting your time | Allowing others to influence you and lead where it makes sense |
Ability to give up control | Ability to take charge where there is a need |
Pushing relentlessly forward towards what you need | Public speaking |
Introducing yourself | Saying brave things that could easily be criticized |
Handling criticism | Willingness to stand out |
Willingness to be the only one in a group who disagrees | Not allowing the negativity of others such as biases to discourage you |
Willingness to change | Refusal to take unethical shortcuts |
Refusal to compromise your values | Capacity to consider different perspectives |
Admitting when you’re wrong | Admitting when you don’t know |
Asking questions and being curious | Willingness to be the bigger person in an argument |
Not falling into self-pity | Helping friends who face tragic circumstances |