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Why Life Is Good (220 Reasons)

Life is good is the position that life is a compelling and worthy experience filled with opportunity and wonder. This is quite easy to argue as there are countless elements of nature and the human experience that have obvious value. The following are common examples.
All (220)
Simple Things (50)
Social Life (34)
Cultural Life (29)
Everyday Life (13)
Life Experiences (17)
Life Opportunities (33)
Accomplishments (13)
Human Virtues (21)
Philosophical Things (10)
Achieving a goal
Acknowledging your flaws
Acts of compassion
Afternoon naps
Appreciating beauty
Art museums
Asking someone out
Autumn leaves
Beautiful nature
Becoming a parent
Becoming debt free
Becoming more calm
Being appreciated
Being happy for others
Being loved
Being of service
Being proud of yourself for something
Being yourself
Bicycle rides
Bonding with others
Breaking free from bad habits
Building meaningful relationships
Building things
Building your own way of living
Business successes
Bustling street sounds
Buying your first home
Calm before the storm
Choosing love over bitterness
City views
Collaborating with talented people
Comfortable beds
Comfortable silences
Community life
Compelling architecture
Connecting with someone
Creating value
Creative expression
Cultured living
DIY projects
Digital experiences
Discovering a passion
Doing the right thing
Educational opportunities
Embracing imperfections
Excitement of new beginnings
Exploring historic neighborhoods
Exploring the past
Expressing your personal style
Facing your fears
Familiar faces
Family life
Family traditions
Fashion pursuits
Finding inner peace
Finding reasons to celebrate
Finding something you lost
Finding your purpose
First snow
Freeing yourself from the past
Fresh bread
Fresh breezes
Freshly mowed grass
Gaining confidence
Gaining maturity
Game nights
Getting a promotion
Giving back to your community
Giving sincere compliments
Going for coffee
Going out for dinner
Good books
Good conversation
Good movies
Good television shows
Having a crush
Helping others
History museums
Holiday celebrations
Home cooked food
Imagining brilliant futures
Inspirational people
Interesting cafes
Interesting cloud formations
Joyful memories
Keeping a journal
Kindness of strangers
Landing your first job
Laughter with friends
Learning a language
Learning from mistakes
Learning to cook
Leaves rustling
Leisure pursuits
Living in the moment
Making a new friend
Making a successful career change
Making improvements in your life
Mastering a musical instrument
Meeting new people
Moments of wonder
Moonlit seas
Movie nights
Mystery of existence
Nice people
Non-judgemental people
Old chairs
Old photos
Old stories
Overcoming a setback
Overcoming adversity
Overcoming hardship
Participating in online life
People who understand you
Performing humble tasks well
Personal expression
Playing sports
Playing with your kids
Pleasant dreams
Pleasant routines
Polite people
Pursuing your curiosity
Receiving genuine compliments
Religious life
Researching topics you find interesting
Rites of passage
Road trips
Running into an old friend
Satisfying workouts
Saving enough for retirement
Seeing the best in others
Selfless people
Sharing a funny story
Shooting stars
Sitting by a fire
Sleeping in
Smell of fresh coffee
Smell of new rain
Social connectedness
Social meals
Solo travel
Solving a big problem
Sound of waves
Spring blooms
Starting a business
Starting out on a trip
Starting up conversation
Staying young in spirit
Stillness of the night
Street food culture
Sudden realizations
Sunrises & sunsets
Taking a long bath
Taking important risks
Team comradery
The beauty of solitude
The capacity for change
The courage to be vulnerable
The cuteness of pets
The joy of giving
The joy of laughter
The joy of learning
The potential of a new day
The quiet of a library
The warmth of a smile
Time in nature
Transcending negative emotions
Traveling abroad
Unbelievably calm people
Unconditional love
Video games
Visiting parks
Walking barefoot on sand
Walking in the rain
Walking your dog
Warm afternoons
Watching fireflies
Watching sports

Simple Things

The simple things in life are things that are easily available to all. These are important because you can always turn to the simple things when your major, difficult to achieve, goals in life aren't going too well. For example, fresh air, nature and the interesting daily shifts in weather that can be appreciated for their beauty.


Modern societies are unbelievably complex and efficient systems that offer freedom and opportunity.
Even if wealth isn't fairly distributed, everyone has access to much opportunity in many societies. For example, you can purchase a smart phone, that is an incredible tool for communicating with the entire world and accessing unbelievably large repositories of knowledge, information and entertainment.
Things like smartphones are possible because millions of people can cooperate in an economy to play specialized roles. As an individual, you could work for 1 million years and never produce a smartphone on your own. However, within a society you might purchase one with a few weeks of labor. This is an incredibly good deal.
Modern societies offer a astonishing variety of goods and services. They also provide countless social, economic and educational opportunities. Sure there are problems with society but if you take a step back at the big picture, advanced modern societies give their residents much opportunity to live a fulfilling life.


You will meet people with great virtues. People who are impressive, kind, selfless, experienced, calm, mature, lively, stylish or compassionate. People who lift you up and make you who you are. People who support you. People who are patient with you. People who teach you something. People who are fun. People who offer a moment of friendship and understanding. People who become lifelong friends or partners. Sure, there are people who will be mean, uninspired and terrible but overall you can gain much from people.


It could be noted that while life is clearly good, it is equally true that life is hard. All people will face challenges, problems, pain, disappointments and constraints that can feel very harsh.
In the end, you may see that these are the things that shaped you, that created accomplishment and improvement. In other words, problems don't indicate that life isn't good but are rather part of the overall greatness of it.
This is easy to say and the intent here isn't to say that all problems are opportunities. There are situations in life that are bad with no bright side. Certainly. However, when presented with such situations, you can respond in some admirable way that builds you up.
Next read: Why Life is Hard
More about real life:
Common Problems
Easy Life
Human Needs
Life is Good
Life Things
Real Life
Real World
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