Abuse | Academic struggles |
Addiction | Age-related challenges or limitations |
Being fired or terminated | Being the victim of a crime |
Betrayal & broken trust | Burnout & exhaustion |
Child neglect | Chronic pain |
Cultural isolation | Demands of caregiving or single parenting |
Disability | Disasters |
Discrimination | Divorce or separation |
Employment discrimination such as ageism | Ethical dilemmas |
Existential crisis | Failures |
Family conflict | Family estrangement |
Fear or anxiety | Financial struggles |
Geographic isolation or challenges | Harassment or bullying |
Homelessness | Illness & disease |
Infertility or difficulty conceiving | Injuries & accidents |
Language barriers | Learning disabilities or challenges |
Legal issues or challenges | Loneliness |
Loss of a loved one | Major life disappointments |
Mental health challenges | Mental illnesses |
Natural disasters | Navigating cultural or societal expectations |
Overcoming fear or self-doubt | Personal conflicts |
Physical limitations | Political instability |
Political persecution or oppression | Pollution & environmental disasters |
Poverty or financial struggles | Racism |
Regret | Religious or spiritual challenges |
Social isolation | Social rejection |
Unemployment | War & conflict |
Work-related stress |
Overview: Adversity | ||
Type | ||
Definition | A sustained difficulty or problem faced by an individual or group. | |
Related Concepts |