All (111)
Little Things (42)
Big Things (37)
Life Experiences (32)
Adventure | Artistic Beauty |
Baths | Beach Days |
Bike Rides | Calculated Risk Taking |
Celebrations | Clouds |
Community Involvement | Conversations |
Creativity | Culture Experiences |
Cultured Living | Daily Routine |
Dating | Digital Experiences |
Dreams | Education |
Epic Experiences | Ethics |
Exploring | Fairness |
Faith | Family |
Family Moments | Financial Stability |
Forgiveness | Freedom |
Fresh Air | Fresh Starts |
Friends | Fulfilling Work |
Games | Gardening |
Gently Falling Snow | Gifts |
Good Films | Good Food |
Grand-parenting | Gratitude |
Health | Helping Others |
Hobbies | Homeownership |
Humility | Joy In Humble Tasks |
Kindness | Laughing |
Life Transitions | Lifelong Learning |
Love | Memories |
Mental Health | Moments of Friendship |
Moments of Wonder | Musical Experiences |
Naps | Natural Beauty |
Nature | Nature Experiences |
Nostalgia | Nutrition |
Overcoming Fears | Parenting |
Passion Projects | Peace |
Personal Development | Pets |
Play | Pursuing Curiosity |
Quality Time | Quiet Reflection |
Reading | Recovering From Failure |
Recreation | Relaxation |
Research | Respect |
Responsibility | Romantic Relationships |
School Experiences | Seasonal Experiences |
Security of Person | Self-awareness |
Self-compassion | Self-fulfillment |
Sleep | Small Victories |
Smell of Rain | Social Events |
Social Experiences | Social Meals |
Social Support | Sounds of a Storm |
Spirituality | Sports |
Strength & Resilience | Sudden Inspiration |
Sunny Days | Sunsets |
Surprises | Television Shows |
The Kindness of Strangers | The Wind In Your Hair |
Time | Travel |
Trust | Values |
Volunteering | Walking |
Working Towards Goals |
Why the Little Things?
The little things is a common term for the elements of life that occur naturally and spontaneously without much effort. This relates to the philosophy that life is fundamentally wondrous if you simply stop to notice it.Cultivating a daily appreciation for the little things is likely to make you more happy. For example, taking care in humble tasks such as preparing your morning coffee and appreciating this process in the moment as it unfolds.
Why the Big Things?
Humans are complex and we have complex needs. The pursuit of these needs is important to us. This is often viewed as a hierarchy of needs whereby if you don't have your basic needs such as housing met it is difficult to pursue higher level needs such as self-fulfillment.Humans are capable and competitive and we generally work hard to meet our needs. So hard, that we might forget about the little things altogether.
What About Life Experiences?
Somewhere between the little things and big things are things that we pursue as epic or meaningful experiences. What is a big thing or simply a life experience is a judgement call. For example, adventure could be viewed as a valuable element of the human experience or it could be viewed as a primary goal or human need. It all depends how you look at it.