All (135)
Ethical Rules (17)
Politeness (24)
Social Situations (36)
Communication (28)
Relationships (20)
Social Responsibility (11)
Acknowledge other people's presence. | Act according to your principles. |
Ask before taking photos of others. | Avoid asking intrusive questions. |
Avoid assumptions about people's backgrounds. | Avoid blaming others. |
Avoid bringing up past grievances. | Avoid discussing money in regular conversation. |
Avoid discussing personal issues at work. | Avoid discussing politics or religion. |
Avoid drama. | Avoid giving dirty looks. |
Avoid gossiping. | Avoid inappropriate humor. |
Avoid insincere compliments. | Avoid making assumptions based on appearance. |
Avoid overly personal disclosures. | Avoid overly personal questions. |
Avoid profanity. | Avoid side conversations. |
Avoid talking loudly in public spaces. | Avoid wasting resources. |
Be an advocate for justice. | Be aware of your body language. |
Be aware of your facial expressions. | Be cautious with negativity. |
Be cautious with sarcasm. | Be considerate of noise levels. |
Be considerate of others. | Be constructive when providing feedback. |
Be courteous when declining invitations. | Be discreet about sensitive topics. |
Be empathetic when someone shares bad news. | Be environmentally responsible. |
Be fully present when you are with others. | Be generous with praise. |
Be gracious in defeat. | Be gracious when receiving compliments. |
Be happy for other people's achievements. | Be honest but tactful. |
Be kind to friends of friends. | Be kind to service workers. |
Be loyal to your commitments and relationships. | Be mindful of digital footprints. |
Be mindful of your tone. | Be mindful of your words. |
Be open and clear about intentions. | Be open to change. |
Be open to different ways of thinking. | Be open to feedback. |
Be patient in lines. | Be punctual. |
Be reliable and dependable. | Be respectful, even in disagreements. |
Be timely and responsive in communication. | Be understanding of people's mistakes. |
Be understanding when others are busy. | Be willing to share time, resources and knowledge. |
Build other people up. | Cultivate awareness of other cultures. |
Cultivate awareness of social issues. | Demonstrating professionalism at work. |
Disclose possible conflicts of interest. | Divide tasks and responsibilities fairly. |
Do not compare people. | Do not discriminate. |
Do not manipulate others. | Don't be overly serious all the time. |
Don't be quick to judge others. | Don't complete other people's sentences. |
Don't eavesdrop. | Don't show up unannounced. |
Don't speak with your mouth full. | Don't talk down to others. |
Don’t assume familiarity. | Don’t text during conversations or meals. |
Dress appropriately for the situation. | Exercise self-discipline and self-control. |
Form orderly lines to wait for service. | Give credit to others. |
Greet others warmly. | Greet people with a smile. |
Handle conflicts privately not in front of others. | Help those in need. |
Help your neighbors. | Hold the door open for people. |
Keep your promises. | Listen to others. |
Maintain a calm demeanor in a disagreement. | Maintain eye contact. |
Never criticize someone's appearance. | Offer to help someone who is struggling. |
Offer to share food. | Offer your seat to those who need it. |
Practice good hygiene. | Promote peace and understanding. |
Protect sensitive information. | Research your purchases. |
Respect dietary restrictions when hosting meals. | Respect different personality types and outlooks on life. |
Respect for intellectual property. | Respect for the elderly. |
Respect human rights. | Respect other people's time. |
Respect people's right to their own opinion. | Respect personal space. |
Respect privacy and don't pry. | Say excuse me as appropriate. |
Say please and thank you. | Share the spotlight with others. |
Show compassion for others. | Show genuine interest in others. |
Solve relationship problems by talking it out. | Stand against corruption. |
Stand up for what is right. | Stand when greeting someone. |
Support charitable causes. | Support local businesses. |
Take responsibility for yourself. | Think before you post to social media. |
Treat all people with dignity and respect. | Treat animals humanely. |
Treat others how you would like to be treated. | Try not to interrupt others. |
Try not to monopolize conversations. | Try not to overcommit. |
Try to avoid overreacting. | Try to be fair. |
Try to forgive others. | Try to respect cultural differences. |
Try to understand the perspective of others. | Use appropriate titles such as Mr. and Mrs. |
Use light humor to establish rapport. | Use people's names. |
Use small talk to avoid awkward silences. |