Acting | Afternoon tea |
Architectural sites | Art galleries |
Artistic neighborhoods | Business trips |
Calligraphy | Camping traditions |
Carnivals | Choirs |
Churches & cathedrals | Collecting cultural artifacts |
Comedy shows | Cooking experiences |
Culinary experiences | Cultural competitions |
Cultural exhibits | Dance performances |
Digital culture such as video games | Diplomatic experiences |
Extracurricular activities such as international club | Fairs |
Farm visits | Farmers markets |
Fashion | Festivals |
Film festivals | Folklore & mythology |
Global business | Global entrepreneurship |
Harvest festivals | Heritage sites |
Historical districts | Historical reenactment |
Holiday celebrations | Home stays |
Hot springs | Ikebana |
International conferences | Kabuki |
Language exchange | Language learning |
Lectures | Listening to music |
Literary events | Living abroad |
Local cafes | Local customs |
Local restaurants | Martial arts |
Museums | Music classes |
Music performances | Music scenes |
Neighborhood exploration | Nightlife |
Opera | Origami |
Outdoor markets | Painting |
Parades | Religious celebrations |
Rites of passage | Rural exploration |
Sculpture | Singing groups |
Social dance | Sports events |
Street food | Studying abroad |
Tea ceremony | Temples & shrines |
Theater groups | Theater performances |
Traditional boating | Traditional clothing |
Traditional crafts | Traditional desserts |
Traditional games | Traditional gardens |
Traditional lodgings | Traditional recreation activities |
Traditional tattoo | Traditional weddings |
Travel | Volunteer programs |
Watching films | Working abroad |