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Database of Responsibilities (200 Entries)

A responsibility is what you owe to yourself and others. These are created by memberships in societies, organizations, institutions and by relationships you establish.
All (201)
Personal (41)
Relationships (18)
Students (32)
Family (41)
Community (24)
Professional (54)
Academic Honesty
Accepting Constructive Criticism
Advocating For Yourself
Apologizing as Appropriate
Attending Classes
Attending School Events
Avoiding Bad Habits
Avoiding Disruptive Behavior
Avoiding Distractions In Class
Avoiding Distractions When Studying
Avoiding Harmful Substances
Avoiding Wasteful Spending
Avoiding Workplace Gossip
Being Considerate of Neighbors
Being Flexible As Appropriate
Being Honest With Yourself
Being Kind
Being Kind To Yourself
Being Open and Honest
Being Open and Transparent
Being Patient
Being Polite
Being Productive
Being Reliable
Being True to Yourself
Being Trustworthy
Being Understanding
Caring For Pets
Celebrating Accomplishments
Celebrating Birthdays
Challenge Assumptions
Checking In on Each Other
Cleaning the House
Communicating Issues
Communicating Regularly
Communicating What Others Need to Know
Compassion For Others
Completing Assignments
Contributing to Group Projects
Cooking Dinner
Cost Control
Defending Client Interests
Defending Stakeholder Interests
Delivering Action Items
Demonstrating Professionalism
Demonstrating Respect For Others
Disclosing Conflicts of Interest
Doing Good
Doing Homework
Doing Laundry
Doing Something With Your Life
Driving Safely
Due Diligence
Eating Well
Emergency Preparedness
Encouraging Each Other
Encouraging Independence
Encouraging Outdoor Time
Encouraging Physical Activity
Ethical Conduct
Explaining Fees and Terms Clearly
Expressing Feelings
Expressing Gratitude As Appropriate
Family Meals Together
Fiduciary Duty
Financial Oversight
Follow Up on Missed Classes
Following Family Rules
Following Local Norms
Following Reasonable School Rules
Following Your Dreams
Forgiving Others If You Can
Fulfilling Your Role
Getting Approvals For Exceptions to Process
Getting sufficient sleep
Goal Alignment
Greeting Neighbors
Grocery Shopping
Growing Together
Healthy Eating
Helping Others
Helping With Homework
Informing Your Parents or Guardians About Problems at School
Issue Resolution
Keeping Classrooms Tidy
Legal Compliance
Lifelong Learning
Limiting Screen Time
Maintaining Family Calendar
Maintaining Family Unity
Maintaining Peace & Civility
Maintaining Public Safety
Maintaining Your Home and Property
Maintaining a Peaceful and Safe Household
Making Reasonable Life Decisions
Making Use of Your Time
Management Accountability
Managing Budgets
Managing Commitments
Managing Finances
Managing Risks
Managing Stakeholder Expectations
Managing Stress
Managing Teams
Meal Planning
Medical Check-ups
Meeting Commitments
Meeting Deadlines
Monitoring Risks
Mutual Respect
Not Taking Excessive Risks
Nurturing Relationships
Obeying Laws
Organizing Family Activities
Participating In Class
Participating In School Life
Paying Bills
Paying Off Debt
Paying Taxes
Personal Hygiene
Planning Family Outings
Planning For Retirement
Policy Adherence
Political Participation
Practicing Critical Thinking
Practicing Kindness to Strangers
Preparing For Class
Preparing For Presentations
Prioritizing Family Time
Process Adherence
Product Safety
Professional Development and Training
Project Oversight
Pursuing An Occupation
Putting Resources to Work
Quality Time
Recognizing Mistakes
Registering to Vote
Regular Exercise
Regulatory Compliance
Reporting Crimes
Reporting Expenses
Researching Purchases
Resisting Peer Pressure
Resolving Conflict
Resolving Family Disputes
Respect For Differences
Respecting Boundaries
Respecting Classmates
Respecting Differences
Respecting Freedom
Respecting Human Rights
Respecting Public Property
Respecting School Property
Respecting Teachers and Staff
Scheduling Appointments
Seeking Help If You Are Bullied
Seeking Help If You Have a Problem With a Teacher
Seeking Help When You Fall Behind
Seeking Help as Required
Setting Family Rules
Setting Goals
Sharing Experiences
Sharing Goals
Sharing Knowledge Others May Need
Social Issue Awareness
Standards Compliance
Staying Up to Date With Industry Change
Staying Within Budget
Studying For Tests
Submiting Original Work
Supporting Each Other
Supporting Each Other’s Interests
Supporting Education
Supporting Local Businesses
Taking Care of Yourself
Taking Initiative
Taking Notes In Class
Taking Ownership
Teaching Values
Tracking Expenses
Treating Customers With Dignity and Respect
Treating Others Respectfully
Trying to Prevent Conflict
Work Accountability
Work Ethic
Work Performance Objectives
Work Quality
Working to Improve
Workplace Safety
Yard Work

Personal Responsibility

Personal responsibility is what each person owes themselves and others. This can be viewed as a social thing whereby in order to benefit from society you are expected to take on responsibilities such as respecting others and paying taxes. This can also be viewed as a philosophical thing whereby you are given a life that is full of potential and have a responsibility to try to live your life as best you can.


Relationships are mutually beneficial sustained social connections that are based on a set of responsibilities towards one another. For example, if you become friends you are expected to be on each other's side.

Student Responsibility

Students are gradually given responsibilities by parents and schools over time as they become older. This is good practice for life where responsibilities become more serious. Taking on and successfully meeting responsibilities can build a sense of accomplishment and confidence.

Family Responsibility

Families are a type of institution that include a culture and set of responsibilities based on role. For example, parents have very different responsibilities from children. This provides an important source of support, understanding and belonging.

Community Responsibility

Community responsibilities relate to what you owe the people where you live. For example, maintaining civility and peace with your neighbors. This includes civic duty, the things that you own to society as a whole. The philosophical basis for this is known as social contract theory -- the idea that people inherently have certain obligations in exchange for the benefits of living in a structured society.

Professional Responsibility

The duty you have as a professional is shaped by laws, regulations, standards, industry practices, organizational policies and your job description. They can also be rooted in the norms and practices of your profession and in the standards that you set for yourself over and above these minimums.
Next read: Personal Responsibility
More about responsibility:
Bright Line
Civic Engagement
Responsibilities List
Responsible Things
Risk Management
Social Rules
Social Values
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