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Social competencies are the social, behavioral, emotional and cognitive abilities that underlie all social processes. These include foundational abilities such as self-control and language and more advanced abilities that are built on top of these such as relationship building, influencing and handling criticism. Social competencies can also be character traits that tend to be beneficial to social processes. The following are common social competencies.
Active Silence | Adaptability & Flexibility | Anticipating Objections | Argument | Assertiveness | Attunement | Body Language | Building Trust | Candor | Challenging Assumptions | Charisma | Communicating Information | Compassion | Conflict Resolution | Consensus Building | Constructive Criticism | Coolness | Cooperation | Creative Tension | Cross-Cultural Communication | Cultural Capital | Debate | Emotional Intelligence | Emotional Interactivity | Empathy | Expressing Emotion | Eye Contact | Facilitation | Following Directions | Forgiveness | Friendliness | Handling Criticism | Handling Difficult People | Honesty | Humor | Improvisation | Independent Thinking | Influencing | Initiating Conversation | Language Comprehension | Languages | Leadership | Listening | Managing Emotions | Manners | Message Framing | Negotiation | Nuanced Communication | Nudges | Observational Learning | Openness | Patience | Perception of Emotion | Perseverance | Personal Presence | Personal Space | Persuasion | Politeness | Positive Criticism | Public Speaking | Questioning | Rational Thought | Reading People | Relationship Building | Remembering Names & Faces | Resisting Peer Pressure | Respect | Saving Face | Self Awareness | Self Control | Self Monitoring | Self Regulation | Setting Expectations | Sharing | Small Talk | Sociability | Social Engagement | Social Initiative | Social Judgment | Social Resilience | Storytelling | Sympathy | Taking Turns | Teaching & Coaching | Tolerance for Disagreement | Trusting Others | Wit |
The list above includes basic skills that may be developed as a young child and advanced social competencies that are difficult for adults to master.Cultural capital is the ability to socialize in a culture. For example, the ability to follow important norms in a particular context.There are many approaches to communication such that lacking certain competencies is common. For example, many adults who have thrived in social pursuits are terrible listeners. In some cases, lacking a competency can be turned into a strength such as an individual who often doesn't pick up on insults and criticisms such that they are unusually resilient to these things. Next read: Social Skills
Social Competence
This is the complete list of articles we have written about social competence.
If you enjoyed this page, please consider bookmarking Simplicable.
An overview of social perception.
A list of common social skills.
The definition of social thinking with examples.
The definition of tact with examples.
An overview of socializing with examples.
An overview of social environment with examples.
A list of common social situations.
An overview of social interaction with examples.
A list of reasons that education is important.
The common types of communication skill.
An overview of positive communication with examples.
An overview of humor with quotations as examples.
An overview of effective communication with examples.
An overview of direct communication with examples.
An overview of basic and advanced presentation skills with examples.
An overview of conversational skills with examples.
A large list and extensive overview of different types of social abilities.
A large list of categorized skills.
An extensive list of communication skills.
A categorized list of power words for influencing.
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