Backpacks | Batteries |
Beauty Supplies | Bedding |
Beverages | Bicycles |
Blankets / Comforters | Books |
Cameras | Cash / Payment Cards |
Chargers, Adapters & Cords | Clothing |
Comb / Hairbrush | Computers |
Computing Accessories | Cosmetics |
Cups / Tumblers | Data Storage Devices |
Documents | Electronics |
Emergency Kits | Fashion Accessories |
Flashlights | Footwear |
Games / Cards | Glasses / Sunglasses |
Handbags | Headphones / Earphones |
Identification Documents | Jewelry |
Laptops | Magazines |
Mail | Media Devices |
Medication | Mobile Phones |
Musical Instruments | Notebooks |
Perfume | Pillows |
Printers / 3d Printers | Purses |
Rain Gear | Snacks |
Speakers | Sporting Goods |
Stationery | Suitcases |
Sunscreen | Swimwear |
Tablets | Toiletries |
Tools | Towels |
Toys | Umbrellas |
Vitamins | Wallets |
Watches | Wellness Supplies |
Personal Technology
Technology that is typically or often used by a single person. This can include mobile technologies that you take with you or things such as computers that you may keep in a private space such as your bedroom.![examples of personal technology](
Household Items
Household items are things for the home that are most typically shared by members of household. In any household, some of these items may be designated as personal. This commonly applies to things that an individual keeps in their bedroom. It can also apply to things in common areas such as a special mug that is understood as belonging to one person.![examples of personal household items](
Fashion Items
Things that you wear or carry with you that are viewed as an expression of your identity and style.![examples of fashion items](
Personal Care Items
Goods that are used to care for your body including elements such as health, hygiene and appearance.![examples of personal care items](
Personal Supplies
Things that an individual buys for themselves that are consumed or that have a relatively short lifespan. It is also common to view low cost items such as a flashlight as a supply even if it somewhat durable.![examples of personal supplies](
Leisure Items
Personal property related to leisure, recreation, activities and your hobbies.![personal leisure items](
Other Items
Other items that people commonly take personal possession of including critical keys to your identity such as a passport.![other personal items](
Personal items are either defined as small items that an individual carries with them or items that are designated for the personal use of an individual. The latter definition can include relatively large personal things such as a desk in your bedroom.![examples of personal items](