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A home inventory is a list of the items in a house. This is typically compiled for insurance purposes but can also be used for security and household management tasks such as decluttering. In many cases, people take photos and videos of rooms and archive them should an inventory ever be required. The following are common personal property and household items that can be included in a home inventory followed by a template and example.
Air Conditioners / Fans / Heaters | Antiques | Appliances | Aquariums | Art | Autographs | Bearer Bonds | Beauty Supplies & Perfume | Bedding | Belts | Bicycles | Books | Cameras | Cash | Cleaning Supplies | Clocks | Clothing | Coins | Collectables | Computers & Accessories | Containers /Filing Cabinets | Crafts | Cultural Items | Data Devices | Decorative Items | Dishes / Glasses | Draperies / Curtains | Exercise Equipment | Fixtures | Footwear | Formal Wear | Furniture | Gems | Handbags / Purses | Healthcare Items & Medications | Hobby Supplies | Home Automation Devices | Housewares | Jewelry | Lawn / Garden Tools | Lights | Machines | Media Devices | Memorabilia | Mirrors | Mobile Devices | Musical Instruments | Outdoor Equipment | Pet Supplies | Photographs & Albums | Precious Metals | Printers | Recreational Equipment (e.g. Trampoline) | Religious Items | Rugs | School Supplies | Scientific Instruments (e.g. Microscope) | Seasonal Items (e.g. Christmas Decorations) | Shelving | Solar Panels, Batteries and Energy Equipment | Speakers | Sporting Equipment | Sports Cards | Stamps | Stationery | Stereos | Supplies | Televisions | Toiletries | Tools | Vacuum Cleaners | Vehicles | Video Games | Watches |
Fixtures are items that are physically attached to a home such as a security system.ExampleThe following example can be used as a home inventory template.In crafting your template, don't include details that you do not have. For example, if you have no idea when things were purchased exclude a date purchased column. Use a generic field such as notes to give additional details that may help.
This is the complete list of articles we have written about assets.
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A troublesome asset that is high maintenance and expensive to retire.
A basic overview of money.
The definition of fixtures with examples.
A list of common business assets.
An overview of property with examples.
An a-z list of personal property.
An overview of wealth with examples.
A list of common business equipment.
An overview of the common types of assets.
An a-z list of personal assets.
An a-z list of collectibles.
An overview of capital equipment with a list of examples.
An overview of IT asset management.
An overview of infrastructure asset management with examples.
An overview of the economic life of assets with examples.
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