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40 Examples of Fixtures

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Fixtures are property that is attached or integrated into land or a building. This is a legal concept that is relevant to real estate transactions, debt securities, mortgages and lease agreements. Fixture is also a category of asset used in accounting. The following are examples of property that can be considered a fixture.
Air Conditioners
Architectural Ornament
Build-in Mirror
Build-in Shelving
Built-in Electronics
Built-in Furniture
Ceiling Fans
Clothes Line
Drapery Rods
Fire Alarms
Garage Door Opener
Heating Systems
Home Automation Features
Hot Water Heater
Kitchen Cabinets
Land Improvements (e.g. a tree or garden)
Light Fixtures
Playground Equipment
Security Cameras
Security Systems
Smoke Detector
Swing Set
Venetian Blinds
Wall Sconces
Window Shades

Trade Fixtures

Fixtures that are specific to a business, trade or industry are known as trade fixtures. This is often viewed as separate property from land and a building. In the context of a lease agreement, trade fixtures are the property of the tenant. For example, a restaurant that attaches signs, interior decorations and kitchen equipment to a building is generally expected to remove these things and restore the property to its original condition.


Chattels, or personal property, refers to items that are not permanently attached to a property that can be easily removed without causing damage. Examples of chattels include furniture, electronics, clothing, vehicles and artwork. The difference between chattels and fixtures can be nuanced. For example, kitchen appliances that are attached into a cabinet are fixtures where free standing appliances are chattels.


Fixtures are contrasted with personal property that isn't considered part of a land or building.
Fixtures are recorded separately from land in accounting for the purposes of depreciation of assets.
Anything physically attached to land or a structure is a fixture. For example, venetian blinds are considered a fixture but curtains are often considered personal property.
Anything specifically intended to be integrated into land or a building is a fixture. For example, a statue or fountain in a garden.
If property is important to a seller it can be specifically excluded in a purchase agreement. For example, a swing set or small tree that is excluded from a sale because it has sentimental value to the seller.
The examples above are general examples that represent a global view. The exact interpretation of fixtures will vary by nation and jurisdiction.


Fixtures are assets that are attached or integrated into land or a building. This is relevant to real estate transactions where personal property is generally expected to be moved out and fixtures are reasonably expected to remain.
Overview: Fixtures
Property that is attached or integrated into land or a building.
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