Running for office | Voting |
Joining a political party | Campaigning |
Donating | Protesting |
Petitioning | Contacting elected officials |
Political volunteering | Political rallies and events |
Lobbying | Engaging in debates |
Exercising rights and freedoms | Exercising free speech |
Political fundraising | Endorsing candidates |
Grassroots organizing | Publishing political media and opinions |
Political activism | Social media debate and activism |
Researching political issues | Fact-checking |
Attending town halls | Supporting interest groups |
Promoting voter registration | Get-out-the-vote efforts – helping people to get to voting stations |
Talking about politics | Volunteering for elections |
Issue advocacy | Volunteering related to social, political and environmental issues |
Careers related to politics such as political analyst | Careers related to media and journalism that touch on politics |