Campaign financing | Campaign ground game – how well a party is connecting to voters person to person |
Campaign issues – central issues in an election | Campaign slogans and messaging |
Campaign strategies | Campaigns |
Celebrity endorsements | Civility or breakdown of civility |
Debt, government spending and perceptions of spending | Demographics |
Disasters | Economic conditions |
Election laws | Elections |
Environmental issues | Freedom of speech and censorship |
Government policies and initiatives | Identity politics |
Ideologies | Inflation or deflation |
Interest groups | International conflicts |
Lobbying | Media landscape, ownership and bias |
News and world events | Political activism and protests |
Political advertising | Political climate |
Political contributions | Political corruption |
Political issues | Political leaders |
Political negotiations | Political participation |
Political parties | Political polarization |
Political rhetoric | Political scandals |
Political system | Polls |
Public opinion | Social issues |
Social media | Strikes and other labor disputes |
Tax burdens | Unemployment rate |