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An ideology is a set of beliefs, values and principles that is comprehensive and cohesive enough to be the foundation for a society or culture. The following are examples of common ideologies.Power StructureBasic views of how power should be structured.Anarchism (rule by none) | Autocracy (rule by one) | Democracy (rule by the people) | Oligarchy (rule by the few) |
Political Views Views of how society should be run.Anarchism | Colonialism | Communism | Conservative | Globalism | Liberalism | Libertarianism | Localism | Moderate | Progressive | Reactionary | Socialism | Totalitarianism | Traditionalism |
Economic IdeologyViews of how economies should be structured and run.Capitalism | Communism | Globalism | Laissez-faire | Protectionism | Social Market | Socialism |
A social market ideology is a belief in a capitalist market system with taxation that funds a social safety net in areas such as education, healthcare and income protections.
Social IdeologyA social ideology is a set of beliefs and principles for organizing social institutions, relations and practices. These aren't necessarily as comprehensive as a political ideology as they may focus on one particular issue or area of social life or economic practices. Anticapitalism | Collectivism | Consumerism | Environmentalism | Ethical Consumerism | Feminism | Humanism | Individualism | Intersectionality | Materialism | Multiculturalism | Pacifism | Pluralism | Secularism | Social Justice Movements |
SummaryAn ideology is a set of beliefs and principles that are comprehensive enough to organize a society or culture. These include political ideologies, social ideologies and economic ideologies.|
Type | | Definition | An ideology is a set of beliefs, values and principles that is comprehensive and cohesive enough to be the foundation for a society or culture. | Related Concepts | | Next: Worldview
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