Air Quality | Budget Deficits |
Bullying | Child Welfare |
Civility | Climate Change |
Commercial Practices (e.g. High Interest Lending) | Consumer Protection |
Corporate Accountability | Corporate Taxes |
Corruption & Cronyism | Cost of College & University |
Cost of Healthcare & Medication | Cost of Living |
Crime | Criminal Justice |
Disability Rights | Disaster Resilience |
Discrimination | Drug Addiction |
Economic Development | Economic Growth |
Economic Reform | Economic Rights & Freedoms |
Education | Energy Policy |
Environmental Issues | Environmental Regulations |
Epidemics & Pandemics | Equal Rights |
Fair Competition | Financial Reform |
Food Safety & Quality | Food Security |
Foreign Influence | Foreign Policy |
Freedom of Movement | Freedom of Religion |
Freedom of Speech | Globalization |
Government Accountability | Government Spending |
Green Spaces | Gun Control |
Healthcare | Heritage Preservation |
Homelessness | Housing Affordability |
Human Rights | Immigration |
Indigenous Rights | Inflation |
Information Security | Infrastructure |
Job Creation | Land Use |
Law Enforcement | Living Conditions |
Military | Minimum Wage |
Monetary Policy | Morality & Ethics |
Nature Conservation | Pensions & Retirement Benefits |
Political Reform | Political Stability |
Pollution | Poverty |
Prisoners' Rights | Privacy Rights |
Property Values | Public Security |
Public Services (e.g. national healthcare) | Public Space |
Public Spending | Quality of Life |
Racism | Recessions & Depressions |
Refugees | Regulating Monopolies |
Regulatory Environment (e.g. red tape) | Rights & Freedoms |
Rights of Children | Science & Technology Ethics |
Small Business Conditions | Social Issues |
Social Security | Social Stability (e.g. perceived decline of tradition or institutions) |
Special Interest Influence (e.g. influence of large firms over a government) | Sustainable Energy |
Tax Avoidance by the Wealthy | Taxes |
Terrorism | Tolerance & Inclusion |
Trade Agreements | Transportation |
Treatment of Minorities | Unemployment |
Urban Planning | War & Conflict |
Water Quality | Wealth Concentration |
Working Conditions | Youth Training & Employment |
Economics & Finance
Issues related to economic opportunity, growth, jobs, taxation and government spending.
Social Issues
Issues of fairness to people and the quality of life of communities.
Environment & Resilience
Issues related to the long term survival of people & planet.
Political Issues
Issues related to politics, the government and international relations.