Activism | Boycotts |
Bureaucratic power structures in government | Campaign contributions |
Celebrities | Constituent pressure on elected officials |
Corporate influence | Corruption such as bribery |
Courts and the justice system may have the power to influence elections or politicians | Cronyism |
Diplomacy | Disinformation campaigns |
Economic leverage of corporations, industries and foreign governments | Fake grassroots organizations known as astroturfing |
Films & television | Focus groups |
Foreign aid | Foreign influence |
Grassroots organizations | Groupthink |
Ideology | Industry groups |
Influence of international organizations | Influence of religions |
International alliances | International pressure |
Lobbying | Media |
Military alliances | Military power of other nations |
Nepotism | News organizations & journalism |
Petitions | Political advertising |
Political committees | Political debate & discussion |
Political influence of universities, colleges and other schools | Political parties |
Political pundits | Politically motivated research |
Propaganda | Protests |
Public opinion | Revolving door practices whereby politicians expect to be employed by industry |
Slogans | Social media as a venue for debate, propaganda, information and misinformation |
Social media influencers | Social movements |
Special interest groups | State controlled or influenced media |
Think tanks | Trade agreements |
Unions and labor actions | Voters |
Voting blocs | Word of mouth |