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A secondary group is a social group that is impersonal and goal-oriented. This can be contrasted with a primary group that is personal and oriented towards the relationship between group members itself. Secondary groups can be large whereas the personal nature of primary groups limits their size. The following are illustrative examples of a secondary group.
Assemblies | Associations | Bands (musical) | Boards of Directors | Bureaucracies | Classmates | Clubs | Committees | Corporations | Councils | Crews | Cultural Groups | Guilds | Mobs | Performance Troupes | Professional Relationships (e.g. Doctor-Patient) | Religious Groups | Small Businesses | Societies | Societies | Sports Teams | Teams | Volunteer Groups |
Secondary groups are often temporary groups whereby they may disband or their members may change frequently.There is some level of overlap between primary and secondary groups whereby it depends on the nature of the relationships involved. For example, if classmates are close friends they could be a primary group.|
Type | | Definition | A social group that is impersonal and goal-oriented. | Related Concepts | |
Social Groups
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