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A majority is a group of people who have numerically greater numbers than comparable groups. This is often supposed to be more than 50% but depends on the situation. Majorities can relate to demographic factors such as ethnicity or how people think such as the majority of people who hold a particular opinion. The concept of a majority is also used in formal decision making processes such as elections, law making, juries and corporate boardrooms. The following are common types of majority.
Simple MajorityMore than half of the total population, participants or votes.SupermajorityA fraction of the total higher than 1/2 such as 3/4.Relative MajorityThe biggest group or number of votes even if this is less than 50%. For example, a situation where there are three groups with one at 40% and the other two at 30%.PluralityThe highest number of votes in an election, even if it's less than 50%.
ConsensusGeneral agreement amongst all members of a group. This implies that some members may disagree but are willing to go along with the group to accept the decision.Unanimous ConsentAgreement by all members of a group.Silent MajorityThe idea that the majority of people aren't vocal in their political views such that a small percentage of people dominate political debate in the media.Majority RuleThe democratic principle that the decision supported by the largest proportion of individuals is adopted or implemented. This generally requires greater than 50% of the vote. Majority rule requires protection of the rights and freedoms of the minority such as a constitution and system of courts to prevent the tyranny of the majority. Plurality RuleSimilar to majority rule but you only need the largest number of votes, even if it's less than 50%.OverviewA majority is the largest group in a population or that support an option in a vote.SummaryA majority is the largest group relative to all other groups. A simple majority requires more than 50% of the total while a relative majority is the largest group even if this is far less than 50% of the total.Next: Democracy
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